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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 103

Chapter 103 Once a Playboy 

Cordelia felt extremely frustrated and went to take a walk in the courtyard. 

Lamia soon rushed out, looking alarmed. “Cordelia, help! My brother got beaten!” 

“Did Grandpa hit him?” Cordelia asked nervously. 

“No, it was my dad! He’s about to whip my brother!” While speaking, Lamia hurriedly pulled Cordelia back into the house. 

Cordelia knew that the Hansen family had rules and punishment. 

But she had only heard about them in theory. She had never witnessed any of the elders actually enforcing them. 

Cordelia once thought that the punishment didn’t actually exist, but it turned out that it was real! 

They arrived at the third floor, and the door to Gideon’s study was slightly ajar. Edith’s voice came from inside. 

“Elijah, as the CEO of Hansen Group, you’ve been extremely careless in your actions. Can you justify your grandfather’s expectations of you? Can you justify Cordelia’s deep affection for you?” 

Edith’s voice was always icy, but Cordelia knew that she was reasonable. She wouldn’t stand up for Elijah just because he was her son. 

Gabe stood aside and said nothing. 

After recovering from a major illness, he handed the company to Elijah and became indifferent to most matters. 

Cordelia and Lamia stood at the doorway, filled with worry, but they didn’t dare to enter. 

Suddenly, Gideon’s powerful voice rang out. “Cordelia, come in. I have a question for you.” 

Cordelia hurried in. “Grandpa.” 

Gideon frowned deeply and asked, “Cordelia, does Elijah have an affair with another woman? Apart from that disabled girl?” 

Cordelia glanced at Elijah. He stood still, his gaze locked onto Gideon, showing no emotion. 

After a few seconds of consideration, she replied, “I don’t think 


Upon hearing her response, Elijah gave her a cool look but remained silent. 

Edith then pulled out her phone and said, “Some of my poker buddies sent me this. Take a look, Cordelia.” 

Cordelia took the phone suspiciously, glanced at it, and suddenly put on a confused look. 

It was a gossip post claiming that Elijah had fallen in love with an ordinary female college student and had already made her his mistress. 

The most shocking part was the image. Elijah was wrapping his coat around the woman, holding her, and kissing her. It indeed seemed a bit too much. 

“Mom, Grandpa, these are all rumors from clickbait websites. It’s not true,” Cordelia said with embarrassment. 

Edith’s expression softened slightly. “Yes, I’ve seen various versions of these stories, and I also thought they were fabricated. But are the pictures real?” 

Gideon added furiously, “Hugging and kissing a woman on the street? Where are your manners? It’s just disgraceful!” 


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