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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 104

Chapter 104 Let It Dry 

Cordelia was quite sensible. 

She knew the elders of the Hansen family loved her and cared for her a lot. 

However, since she knew the truth, she couldn’t twist it or distort right from wrong. 

Moreover, she recalled the time when she was scolded by Gideon in this very study. Elijah had stood up for her then, and she hadn’t forgotten that favor. 

She thought for a moment and then took out her phone, showing Edith a full-body photo of herself. 

“Mom, my friend took this photo for me. Do you see this dress and these shoes? Do they match the ones in that photo?” 

Edith took the phone, and she seemed much relieved. She showed it to Gideon and said, “Dad, it seems we’ve misunderstood something.” 

“Yes, that seems to be the case,” Gideon replied, rubbing his temples. “Alright, all of you, leave me alone. I have a headache, and I need some peace.” 

Although Gideon had been mistaken about Elijah, he would never apologize for it. 

Elijah turned and walked away, and he also pulled Cordelia out. 

Feeling his anger, Cordelia hurriedly caught up with him, asking in a soft voice, “Does it hurt where you got hit?” 

Elijah stopped in his tracks, glanced at her, and then tore off the collar of his shirt to show Cordelia. 

Elijah stopped in his tracks, looked at her, and then opened his shirt collar, revealing the bloodstains on his neck and back. His wounds seemed quite terrifying. 

“Why didn’t you explain yourself?” Cordelia asked, her eyes. filled with concern. 

“They’re just old and senile. There’s no need to explain anything to them,” Elijah replied with an air of arrogance. 

Cordelia carefully straightened his clothes and said, “Let’s go back, and I’ll apply some ointment for you. It will stop hurting in no time.” 

“I’m not in pain anymore,” Elijah said. 

He held her hand and brought it to his lips, planting a kiss on it, his gaze filled with a hint of amusement. 

Upstairs, Edith and Lamia stood at the railing, having witnessed. the entire scene downstairs. 

Lamia folded her hands with a look of envy on her face. “It 

seems my brother really likes Cordelia now! Did you see his eyes and his actions…” 

Edith crossed her arms, scrutinizing her own son with a critical look. “It would be even better if Cordelia could get pregnant.” 

Lamia choked on her words, not daring to say anything more. 

Back at the Maple Villa, Cordelia immediately took out the medicine kit. 

“I’ve personally made and prepared this ointment. It’s good for reducing inflammation and pain,” Cordelia explained as she helped Elijah remove his shirt. 

Elijah was cooperative, and soon he had exposed his muscular upper body entirely in the bright light of the living room. 

In recent times, he had been working out diligently to make his muscles appear fuller, even when he was busy with work. 

Of course, it was all in preparation for nighttime activities. 

In the well-lit living room, his muscles appeared even more pronounced. 

Even though Cordelia had seen many patients with their shirts off, she still couldn’t help but blush. 

After all, she had only touched him in bed. But now, she had to look at him while touching him. 

“You’re quite skilled,” Elijah commented, “I used to think you were a bit clumsy because you cooked so poorly.” 


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