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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 105

Chapter 105 Ruin Him 

Cordelia felt a bit helpless, knowing that it was just Elijah’s excuse. However, she remained still and didn’t move. 

“Darling, do you have anything you want to tell me?” Elijah suddenly spoke after a while. 

Cordelia’s heart skipped a beat. She replied calmly, “What do you want to hear?” 

“Tell me about your recent health checkup,” Elijah said, a faint smile playing on his lips as he gazed at Cordelia. 

“Everything is fine!” She replied. Indeed. Both she and the baby were healthy. 

Elijah’s eyes deepened, and he asked, “Is that so?” 

“I undergo health checkups twice a year, and I’ve always been in good health. So, I’ve always thought the issue lies with you,” Cordelia replied softly. 

As for making Elijah visit a urologist? That would be a challenge. 

He was too proud and concerned about his image to consider it. So, Cordelia had hinted at Edith, suggesting that she find a solution to this problem. 

After all, she couldn’t have a baby just by herself. 

What Cordelia didn’t expect was for Elijah to drop a bombshell. 

“The issue was indeed with me, but it’s been resolved now,” he stated. 

Cordelia was left stupefied. 

“I found a family doctor to help me recuperate. It’s not a big deal.” 

Cordelia was speechless. 

It seemed that Elijah had never cared about having a baby with her until recently when he finally changed her mind. 

“Darling, shall we try again?” Elijah’s eyes narrowed as he looked at Cordelia, his gaze filled with suggestive intent. 

“I… I’m tired,” Cordelia stuttered, gently pushing his shoulder and avoiding eye contact, feeling flustered. 

“Alright, let’s do it tomorrow,” Elijah said, patting her head before getting up and heading upstairs. 

Cordelia covered her face, and her mind became a mess. 

Since becoming pregnant, Cordelia had become exceptionally lazy and no longer as diligent as before. 

She slept in until late in the morning, and she had no idea when 

Elijah left for the office. 

Today, she woke up and lazily opened her phone. Just then, Imogen’s call came in. “Cordelia, I’ve got big news! A huge one!” 

Cordelia yawned and asked lazily, “About whom?” 

“You’ll never guess. The person who filmed you and Elijah being all lovey-dovey is none other than Mary, Elissa’s best friend.” 

Cordelia immediately sat up. “I had a suspicion about that. After all, that day, we bumped into someone she knew, but we didn’t pay much attention to the people around her.” 


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