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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 811

Shane’s mental state was on the brink of collapse. He feared losing his sanity if Bonnie continued to torment him.

She asked, “Am I intentionally toying with you, or are you too stubborn to admit you’re scared? It’s almost like you’re forcing me to do this.”

Her words were meant to intimidate Shane. He was stunned, and his mouth was agape.

Since he did not respond, Bonnie stopped teasing him and got to the point, “You’re here because I want to show you something.”

She took her phone from her pocket and held it to Shane. “Here, take a look.”

Shane felt uneasy, wondering what Bonnie was about to show him. Still, he looked at the screen. His heart raced when he saw what was on it.

The screen showed the news of the Knight Group acquiring Gemedia Group, which Shane had painstakingly built over half his life. Additionally, all his mansions and assets were seized.

The news was a devastating blow to Shane because his career was his life. He clutched his chest as he grimaced in agony, looking like he would faint at any moment.

Bonnie observed him and put away her phone, asking, “How do you feel after seeing that, Mr. Shane?”

Shane patted his chest, his eyes bloodshot as he said, “Th-that was my life’s work. How dare you do this to me? How could you?!”

Chapter 811 1


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