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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 812

Bonnie felt a little helpless, saying, “Do I look like someone who only knows how to use force?”

Ivor smiled and embraced her gently. “I’m not saying you’re rough. I just think using force is a more straightforward way to solve problems. I said that because I thought you’d use it.”

Bonnie raised her brows and glanced sideways at her fiance. She said, “As usual, you’re good with words.”

Ivor smiled faintly and took her hand to lead her out. “The basement smells terrible. Let’s leave.”

“Sure,” Bonnie responded softly and followed Ivor out.

When they reached outside, he looked at Bonnie and asked, “Can you tell me why you came just to inform Shane about losing his company?”

“It’s simple.” Bonnie hooked her arm around Ivor’s and walked with him. She explained, “Physical harm doesn’t cause much suffering to someone as proud and arrogant as Shane. He’ll only feel miserable once I break his psychological defenses.

“He has always aspired to be the wealthiest man in the city, which shows he’s career-minded and values his company immensely. I came to tell him about your family acquiring his company to shatter his hopes.”

Upon hearing that, Ivor remembered seeing Shane vomiting blood in the basement.

‘Bonnie struck Shane’s weak spot so precisely, ensuring Shane would remain in constant torment even in prison.’

Ivor teased, “Your move was ruthless. Whenever Shane thinks of you in prison, he’ll probably grit his teeth and break out in a cold sweat. I’m confident he’ll never want to see you again.”

Chapter 812 1


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