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Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon novel Chapter 16

"Ken Forrester, you are unworthy of the Alpha title." Maya said, her voice hard and unforgiving. Then she wrenched the door open and stepped back inside to see that the Forrester pack members, who were on their knees, were glaring at her. The viciousness in their eyes help Maya to reach a decision.

Facing her team, she said loud and clear, "Team Wrath of the Moon this assignment will be completed within the next week. We are only to focus on the rogues attack. I am done with the insults and the arrogance."

"Yes, Team Leader." All of Maya's team gave an agreement to her words.


At the night time;

Maya made her way to her room. She and Marina were sharing a room while the guys were sharing another. She opened the door of her room and Marina entered behind her.

Switching on the light, both of them made their way to their suitcases which were just placed on bed in the morning. Marina went for a shower while Maya was looking through the bag she had haphazardly packed. Maya heard a small sound and froze. She sensed a third presence hiding in the cupboard. Her wolf perked up her ears but then laid down in her mind and gave a yawn.

Maya realised from her wolf's laid back attitude that it was not someone who can harm her and she walked towards the cupboard and pulled the door open. A child tumbled out with the linens placed in the cupboard.

"Hello, little monkey. May I know what you are doing here?" Maya asked the kid, bending down so she was at eye level with the child.

"I am not a monkey. I am a wolf" the child replied standing straight with his chest puffed out. Maya chuckled at his cute face and stance.

"Oh yes, I can see that. Definitely a little wolf cub. Now tell me what are you doing here? Didn't your daddy teach you that a young gentleman like you cannot visit a lady so late in the night?" Maya asked him in a cajoling voice.

"I just wanted to see my aunt." the kid said twisting his tshirt in his hands.

"Aunt? Who is your aunt?" Maya asked confused.

"She is Maya Forrester. The Team Leader of the Wrath of the Moon pack." the kid replied with a smile.

Maya froze after hearing his words. "What is your name?" she asked standing up straight.

"Sam Forrester. I am the future Alpha of the Forrester pack, Aunt Maya." he said shocking her further.

"You know who I am?" Maya asked.

"Yes, you are Maya Forrester. The Team Leader of the Wrath of the Moon pack and my Aunt." he replied staring at her with wide curious eyes.

"Who told you this?" Maya asked frowning at him.

"My Grandma."

"Elder Judy Forrester?" Maya questioned, to which the kid nodded like a bobblehead toy. "That is not true. I am Maya Wright. The Team Leader of the Wrath of the Moon pack and not your Aunt." Maya said.

The boy frowned hard at that and said, "My Grandma won't lie to me."

Maya sighed and rubbed her forehead with one hand. Then she again bent down to be at the boy's eye level and said, "I am not saying that your Grandma lied to you, but she is old and old people tend to get confused with their age. In her confusion she might have told you that I am your aunt but the truth is, I am not a part of the Forrester pack let alone Forrester family. Tell me, do you feel any familial bond between us?"

The kid replied with a soft, "No." while shaking his head negatively.

"Then that means I am not your aunt. Okay?" Maya asked equally softly.

"Okay." the child replied, a bit dejected. "It would have been cool to have an Aunt who is so powerful."

"Who is this cutie?" Marina asked stepping out of the bathroom.

"Marina, meet Sam Forrester. The son of Alpha and Luna Forrester." Maya introduced him.

"Hello cutie pie. What are you doing here so late?"


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