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Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon novel Chapter 6

This chapter contains violence. Read only if you think you will be able to digest it.


Maya opened her eyes. She was feeling very groggy and her head hurt. She tried to touch her head, but her hands were unable to move. Things started coming in focus a little and she realised that she was not in her room. She was held in a dungeon like place. There was very little light coming in.

Maya tried to move, however she was unable to move even an inch. Panic began to set in as she realised that she was tied up against the wall. She struggled against her bonds but to no avail. She let herself rest against the wall and tried calling out to her family but Maya couldn't even hear her wolf.

Suddenly a laugh echoed in the darkness of the dungeon and Maya turned her head warily towards the noise.

"I guess for a girl you are pretty smart. Most bitches don't realise that they have lost connection to their wolves this early.", a man said. In the darkness, Maya was barely able to make out his silhouette.

"Who are you? Where am I?", Maya whimpered. Her head hurting with his voice.

"Me? I am Leandro, a rogue to the outside world.  But for you my dear slave, you will call me Master. And you my dear are in your new home. Do you like it?" Leandro asked with a tone of pure evil.

Maya was terrified but she was a Luna, she had Alpha blood in her. "Quiet." she hissed, "Let go of me this instant."

Leandro simply chuckled and smacked Maya on her face. "You silly little bitch. I have suppressed your wolf with silver. You will not be able to use your Alpha command on me. Now do as I say, for I am your Master, your Lord and YOUR OWNER.", Leandro shouted at her while touching her breast. Maya realised then that she was stripped of her clothes.

Maya quivered scared, "Stop this. Let me go. I don't belong here. I have a family. I have a mate."

"Some mate he must be if he auctioned you off in a bar" Leandro lied while running a hand up her thighs. He had got that information from the other Alpha bitch. She seemed enthusiastic on giving out details on how to torture her.

"No. No. You are lying." Maya denied.

"Am I? I guess.. You would know better.. Right?" Leandro asked his voice full of sarcasm. Maya remembered Xander's words and realised that she was rejected.

A few tears made their way down her face. "Now, now my pet. Don't be sad. Who needs a true mate? You have me. You will find that if you comply to my wishes, your life will be much easier. But if you resist, then..." Leandro placed a silver knife against her skin and pushed on the blade, causing the wound to sizzle. He burned a L shaped mark into the skin of her shoulder. Maya cried out in pain and gritted her teeth.

Leandro leaned towards her to kiss her but she turned away and head butted him. Leandro stumbled back, he looked at her with such loathing. He picked up a whip from the table laid nearby that was full of different torture weapons.

"I tried to be lenient with you but you are not interested, are you? Well, let me try to convince you in a different manner then." Leandro started hitting her with the whip in any which way. He was really angry and that anger was giving way to rage. The whip bit into her thighs, her stomach, her hand. Once the whip even hit her face leaving behind a long gash.

After 10 minutes of constant lashing, Maya's body was dripping with blood from different gashes. "Look what you made me do." Leandro said in a petulant manner, "I wanted today to be a happy  memory. Now you reflect on your misdeeds and I will see you tomorrow. Good night my slave."

Maya understood that Leandro was a psychopath. She doubted that she would be able to escape here alive. She thought of her family, of her pack. Maya sobbed for the mate that the Moon Goddess had dealt her. 'Why Xander.. why did you betray me?', she lamented.

Maya tried calling to her wolf, only a weak whimper was heard from her. Maya prayed for help to the Moon Goddess. Softly sobbing she fell asleep attached to the wall.



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