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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Letitia had the fox charm straight from birthl

“Up you go!” Elgin yanked at his tie and barked out loud.

Letitia’s eyes snapped open when she heard his voice. She sat up instantly. “You, you’re back…”

He stared at her with a heavy gaze, silent as a grave.

“What’s up?” She looked around and explained, “I purposely slept in the corner and didn’t block the door!”

“Did you eat the soup?”

Letitia paused. “What?”

“The soup!”

“Nope. She shook her head “Do I have to?”

Elgin squinted “What do you think?”

Letitia picked herself up off the floor as she had no choice. “I’ll go now.”

She had no idea what had gotten into him, insisting she eat Phedra’s soup.

It was in the middle of the night. How could she fall asleep after chugging that down?

In the dining room, Letitia held the spoon, staring down the clam chowder on the plate.

Elgin stood by, keeping an eagle eye on her.

She forced spoonfuls into her mouth only to taste a clam that was hard to swallow.

After struggling through the half, Letitia couldn’t eat it anymore. “Can I stop now?”

“What do you think?”

“I.” She barely got a word out when her stomach churned.

Clamping her hand over her mouth, Letitia bolted for the bathroom. She hurled her guts out, not just the soup but even

the bile

Listening to the sounds from the bathroom, Elgin frowned in disgust.

She had to eat that soup to keep Phedra in the dark.

“Mr. Ramirez, the butler approached. “You’ve got a package shipped from overseas.”

“Hand it over”

Elgin tore it open to find the medicine William sent. It was just the right amount for a course.

He glanced at the soup again, lips curling sarcastically, and downed the pills with a poker face.

He had found Shela. He would get his disease cured and wait for three months to divorce Letitia. Everything was in Elgin’s control.

Letitia emerged from the bathroom, clutching her stomach, waves of nausea still crashing over her.

What was wrong with her? The clam was fishy but not enough to make her spew like that.

The butler suggested, “Mr. Ramirez, should we get the family doctor to check on Mrs. Ramirez?”

She’s not gonna diel

Letima looked gratefully at the butler and gently shook her head, not wanting to rile up Elgin for her sake.

Letitia curled up against the wall that night, hugging her knees, and finally dozed off as dawn approached.

The kitchen bustied, and servants tidied up downstairs.

Chapter 11

And Shela, too pumped to sleep, had dolled herself up and arrived at ivory Towers early to see Elgin

“Where’s Mc Ramirez? Shela barged into the living room, hollering, “Why’s no one greeting me? You all still want your jobs?”

The butler eyed her “And you are

“You don’t even know me? You must be blind! I’m your would be Mrs. Ramirez

“We already have a Mrs Ramirez at Ivory Towers The butler replied, “Who might you be?”

“What? That’s impossible! Shela’s eyes widened, Mr. Ramirez promised to marry met Go ask him if you don’t believe mel”


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