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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 13

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 13 by desirenovel


I didn’t know what came over me. I felt a burning desire I had never felt before in my entire life. A burning desire to possess a woman. And not just any woman.


I couldn’t get her out of my head despite trying to: her brown, wavy hair, her hazel eyes, her rosy cheeks, her overall bearing, and of course, her lips—those pale pink flesh that I had tasted during our wedding.

Being a woman, I should be loathing everything about her, but I found myself leaning in another direction.


I grabbed the chalice on the table filled with my favorite wine straight from Hest, the realm of magical creatures. The grapes in their kingdom were the best and it was known far and wide. Trying to contain the woman’s thoughts from taking over my control, my grip of the chalice tightened, and consequently, it dented.

From my embedded fingers there replaced a gaping whole. The wine immediately seeped out of it. I cursed under my breath and sent the destroyed chalice flying over the oval table and hitting the wall.

‘Mate…’ my lycan side growled out again, effectively reminding me of my stupidity back when I was a kid. I should have never created that word and put meaning to it. In my loneliness, the idea of a woman created only for me entertained my juvenile mind. It was the only light that gave me hope in a life surrounded by emptiness.

Now my stupidity had come to bite me in the ass. Big time.

Why would my wolf think a woman like that would exist? I certainly killed that idea decades ago.

While in my state of confusion, I felt the mark on my wrist throb. I stared at it feeling disgusted, but that disgust didn’t last long. My eyes blurred and soon enough darkness surrounded me.

The next thing I knew, my wolf form surfaced. I heard its thoughts and it was crying out one word.


And it was directed to the woman now sleeping inside my chamber. With my heightened smell, I could scent her and the perfumed oil she just used in her night bath.

“No!” I quickly yelled, disapproving the sudden idea popping in its head.

Under normal circumstances, my wolf side, lycan side, and I would always have an agreement. Never had there been a time we argued or even shared different thoughts. I was them and they were me. We were one and the same. We were one body, one spirit, and one heart. That was exactly the reason why my bloodline became royalty.

I always had control.

But now, it seemed I wasn’t.

I could feel my beast’s lust on the woman. It was overwhelming. Not only that, I sensed our heart shifting towards her; caring her, loving her.

I adamantly shook my head and tried to ignore what we…what I was feeling. It was impossible for me to care for a woman, much less love her. I have sworn my hate on their gender. Sworn to myself that I didn’t need them to survive.

I was alright with that idea in the past. Until this woman poofed into my life…

My huge paws had effectively destroyed the oval cabinet when I jumped over it and into the exit door. There was not a smidgen of worry I felt when I crashed through the door and out into the hallway leaving splinters of wood on my wake.

The need to be close to my new wife was unbearable. It was eating me up, but I tried as much as I could to gain back my control. It was unfortunately fruitless.

The moment I arrived inside my chamber, I ran straight into my bedroom and scanned for the whereabouts of the woman.


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