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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 17

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 17 by desirenovel


A bright flash of light welcomed me at the end of the portal. I winced and in reflex, used my hand to cover my eyes. When the bright light faded, I adjusted myself to the surroundings and saw where I was.

I was in a cave and the biggest I had been in my entire life. The stalagmites and stalactites were colossal. There was a narrow river a few paces behind me and the water was running into a darkened path. In front of me was an altar of some sort with lots of incense burning that my nostrils didn’t particularly like.

“Look what we have here,” someone said nearby. It was from a man’s, and I wouldn’t have known him to be short and stout if he didn’t step into the light with me.

I furrowed my brows, confused with what was happening. The environment itself made me nervous, but I tried to calm myself. It was the only way since I basically entered the portal without thinking of the consequences.

“Where am I? Who are you?” I asked the basic questions, hugging my shoulder bag as if it was my weapon ready for me to use should the man plan to hurt me.

I sensed an air of arrogance around him. Plus, he didn’t look friendly at all. He was grinning like a bobcat. It gave me the chills.

“Ah, yes, the usual questions I get from a human,” he stated, looking at me like I was food.

My brow lifted.

“Let me explain your situation missy.” He adjusted his jumper into position and then snorted. “I own you now. You took the bait, you fell into my trap. You’ll fetch me a good sum if one of my customers like you.”

I didn’t exactly understand what the man said, but with him mentioning something about ‘customers’, I reckoned he was a shady businessman.

“What makes you think I’ll stand by and let you own me? I have free will, mister. You can’t just announce something that sensitive.”

“Oh you don’t exactly know what you just walked right in,” he countered, giving me a proud grin.

Just then, I felt my body go numb. My knees went weak and my hands turned clammy. Seconds later, my sense of balance disappeared. My head contacted the ground in a matter of seconds. A lightning pain shot through my head and then followed by my surroundings turning black.

When I came to consciousness, I was in some sort of room, lying in a makeshift bed that had seen better days. I heard the sounds of women chatting and whimpering in front of me and muffled sounds of people past the wall behind me.

I sat up, groaning when I felt the shooting pain in my head again.

“You should lie back down,” a woman said near me, “you’ll need it later when it’s your turn.”

I glanced at her and studied her appearance. She was wearing a revealing dress that was cut all the way up to the knees. Her boobs were pushed up and her long, blonde hair was tied into a ponytail. She looked like a prostitute honestly with all the heavy make-up she wore, but I didn’t want to be rude so I erased that thought inside my head.

“What do you mean ‘when it’s my turn?’ I asked instead.

She looked at me in a sad face. “Since you were Mr. Manross’s latest addition, you have no idea at all. That’s understandable. Look around you and you’ll see.”


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