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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 39

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 39 by desirenovel

I had to get away. I needed to get away. Far from her as much as possible before I eat my own words. I said so myself there was no touching involved. That I was pleased we wouldn’t need to consummate our marriage. But look at what has happened now. We were both caving in and fast.

I hated this development. It was starting to fucking mess me up, my peace of mind, and my ideals. But, on the other hand, I couldn’t deny the fact that I did enjoy our little session, how fragrant her scent was that filled my nose, how enticing her voice was when she whimpered for me, how good she was with her hands and mouth, and oh yes, how sweetly close she was to drinking all of my cum. If I hadn’t intervened, then…


I admit I was so close to damning myself.

Despite still feeling aroused and sporting a really hard cock, I used my ability to transport myself away from her and I chose to reappear inside my manor. In there, I stayed for the rest of the night until the party was over. I had William communicate to me the activities of my vampire guests and Elijah, although I didn’t ask, was enthusiastic enough to report to me the whereabouts of the queen. Apparently, she had gone to retire in her chamber. He used this to conveniently create an alibi for our guests when some of them started to notice our absence.

‘You really should join your queen in her chamber, brother, you wouldn’t want Lord Hale to steal her in the middle of the night right?’ Elijah mind-linked at me. I could hear the lighthearted mockery behind his words, but so was the possibility of it.

True enough, Hale could do it if he wanted to and it would be so easy for him even if I place twenty werewolf guards in and around that woman’s chamber and most especially now that I was far from the castle.

‘Then go and guard her, Elijah. You’re a good match for Hale,’ I ordered, using his ego to my advantage. He after all possessed abilities that could match mine, but in truth, it was so that I could avoid returning to the castle at least for this night.

‘Na ah, I can’t do that, brother,’ he replied in a heartbeat. ‘I’m rather…occupied tonight.’

Wrinkles of disappointment formed on my forehead.

‘You just take pleasure with my sufferings huh?’ I complained.

‘I’m actually doing you a favor, dear brother,’ he chuckled. ‘Well then, enjoy the rest of the night.’

It didn’t take long for him to intentionally block me in his thoughts. He had done this in the past many times and that’s especially when he’s with a woman.

Huh, typical.

Pressing my mouth firmly, I rerouted my attention to my beta. ‘William, give me an update,’ I stated.

After a few seconds, he answered, ‘Your Majesty, Lord Hale, and his entourage had now left the premises. Shall I tail them to make sure they exit Phanteon?’

Choosing to sit on the marble balustrade of my balcony with a wine in hand, I nodded. ‘Yes, do that William, and keep special attention to the dark lord. He is known to be quite sneaky sometimes.’

‘I’m keeping track of his scent, Your Majesty. You may rest your faith in me.’

‘Good, report your progress later.’

Looking up, my eyes rested on the dark sky. This part of my kingdom somehow lacked iophas—or stars on human terms. I liked it. The dark sky and the blandness of this manor mirrored the void in my heart. But unfortunately, along with this void, was my guilt. That woman’s face and my promise to look after her haunted me, turning me uneasy instead of feeling relaxed inside the manor.

‘Seems like I can’t easily escape huh?’ I whispered into the wind and then laughed at myself.

After taking a long swig of the remaining contents of the flute, I stood up, placed the object on a flat surface, and then transported my ass back inside my castle, on the queen’s chamber to be exact.

In there, Serena’s scent hit me again. It was mixed with her remaining arousal, her sweet female smell, and the bath oil she used post bathe.

Silently, I observed her. She was already sleeping soundly, covered by a thick duvet from the waist down. Her hair that was curled and fixed earlier was spread now throughout her pillow, and the gown she wore was now changed into a decent sleeping dress—well, at least decent enough to cover her cleavage.

I grumbled silently to myself thinking just how much I had sunk low watching a woman sleep. Never mind how my cock continued to harden. Just watching her sleep was already enough proof I had been moved by her.

“You…what is this pull you have on me?” I silently whispered, my eyes turning to slits, scrutinizing her sleeping face inch by inch under the soft light of the lampshade.

I didn’t expect her to answer. She just continued her peaceful sleep unbeknownst of my presence.

“My…mate,” I tested the word. My wolf and lycan sides had been crying that word ever since we were wed, but even before that, they had been quite excited with her magical arrival and wouldn’t just give me peace.

The word rolled off my tongue pretty well. “My…eshtha,” I claimed again, this time with full conviction.

Elijah’s words then popped out of my head.

‘Maybe this is the Goddess’s answer for you. Maybe Serena is your salvation; your way out of that pool of loneliness and hatred you have drowned yourself in.’

Huh. I couldn’t help but scoff.

If the Moon Goddess really existed and if this was indeed her way of answering me, then…then, to hell with her.

“You’re already fucking late…” I groaned out, gave my queen a glare, and then turned around to exit the chamber. I didn’t need to stay in there any longer. If anything, Elijah was just messing with my head and used the vampire lord as a way to tease me. She wasn’t really under threat. She was safe and breathing, and her blood still intact.

After turning the doorknob, I stepped out of the bedroom and made my way into the receiving room where everything was dark. With my hypersight, I could see no one lurking in the corners. Everything was clear. But then, just before I turned towards the main door, a flying insect suddenly materialized and passed through me.

It was the same fucking one I saw last night.

Frowning, I quickly captured the damn insect with the intent to kill it but then I noticed another one appearing from the ceiling. This was with a different luminescent color. It was flying inside the room like it was eager to pollinate a flower.

“The hell…” I muttered, angry with their presence.


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