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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 45

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 45 by desirenovel


Yes, we finally arrived in Cirelles, the town near the castle where it had quite a busy market. Our travel time was about twenty minutes on foot after declining the offer of my maids to use the castle coach. It wasn’t really an arduous walk. We had fun just watching everything around us.

Apparently, the guards in the castle didn’t bother us when they saw us walk past the castle gates. Security for a royal persona seemed close to nothing. Unlike on Earth where the royal family was heavily guarded with bodyguards, here, as queen, I had none and I thought it was either their lax security or that they were just really confident with their kingdom’s peace and order and their people.

Rhea and I were both in awe of the town and its not-so-little market. Stalls after stalls were seen from left to right of the sidewalks. It was organized in a way that customers could freely choose the merch.

Not long after we arrived, an item caught my fancy and so I decided to approach the seller.

She was an aging woman, sitting on a stool wearing a large printed turban and a long-sleeved dress. Wisps of gray hair fell down her forehead. The moment she noticed my approach, she quickly got up to her knees and bowed.

I was eager to stop the gesture, still not comfortable with all the royalty status.

Beside me, Rhea chuckled.

“How much?” I asked, bending forward to pick up a silver bracelet that was designed like a wolf’s head. In a werewolf world, I was bound to find one, or two, or more.

The old woman looked up and smiled at me, her eyes beaming. “It’s free for you, Your Highness,” she answered with a short nod.

I quickly waved my hand. “No, please. I want to buy as your normal customers would. Give me the right price for this item.”

I heard Rhea chuckle again with this. Her eyes were set on the other trinkets in front of us.

“In that case, fifty maltis, Your Highness,” the seller answered.

Honestly, I didn’t even know what she said and I had a feeling Rhea was the same, but since we got money to burn, I handed over the payment without thinking of the change.

“Here, and keep the change,” I said with a big smile.

The old woman’s eyes twinkled even more and her mouth dropped. “You’re generous, Your Highness. Are you sure you don’t want the change?”

“No, don’t worry. You’re my first buy after all. Enjoy!” I winked at her.

She responded with a deep blush.

We moved to another stall after that whilst I donned the silver bracelet on my left wrist. Rhea poked my rib and clucked her tongue.

“At this rate, you’ll be giving away our money. Are you sure the king is okay with this?”

I scoffed.

“The money we have now won’t even scratch his wealth.”

She shrugged her shoulders, accepting this as a valid point. We were talking about the king after all. The man basically owned the kingdom.

We walked further into the road, checking out a variety of trinkets. She bought some for herself and I did the same, laughing at the same time when we realized we were actually shopping in a realm other than Earth. It was our therapy and she was right, it did take my mind off of the king even for just a bit.

“What’s that?”

Rhea tapped my shoulder again to get my attention while I was busy haggling another merchant.

I straightened up and faced her, arching a brow.

“What?” I asked.

I picked up the panic on her face immediately as she pointed to an angry black smoke just a few blocks away.

“Fire?!!” I shouted; alarm bells clanking inside my head.

Seconds later, the market’s liveliness turned to chaos. People probably coming from the area hit by the fire fled, bringing with them sacks of their belongings. In their faces were pure fear and desperation. I felt for them as I was once a fire victim back in my youth too.

My sense of urgency kicked in and without thought, I started to shove all the items I bought to Rhea.

“What are you—” she cried out in confusion, but I cut her off when I suddenly shouted.


I spotted him passing us, clearly running towards where the danger was.

“Your Highness! Why are you—”

I shut him off with a hand in between us.

“Are you going there?”

He looked hesitant for a moment and then nodded. “Yes, Your Highness.”

“Then I’m going with you.”


“No buts!” I lashed, giving him a no-nonsense glare.

This seemed to affect him.

“I’ll—I’ll get a horse, Your Highness.”

“No, let me ride on you,” I grabbed his shoulder and gripped his muscles tight. “Now, shift!”

He immediately took a step back and shook his head.

“Oh, no, no, Your Highness,” he cried out, looking very much uncomfortable.

“King Aero is going to kill me if you so much as ride another were.”

He pivoted on the right and stretched out a hand just as an incoming coach tried to pass us. “You over there! Halt! Unload that horse now!” he ordered to the driver.

I understand his intention right away.

“Serena?!” Rhea, who had been a spectator earlier, now stepped in and captured my attention.

I placed a palm on her shoulder and smiled at her.

“Go back to the castle and prepare the courtyard. We are going to house and take care of the fire victims there.”

She nodded without delay.


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