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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 54

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 54 by desirenovel


Once King Aero left, I went for a bath. True that I would have preferred him with me, but of course, I couldn’t be selfish. The kingdom needed him and as their fake-now-turned-real queen, I got to practice sharing.

Looking at myself in the mirror afterward, I couldn’t keep myself from sighing. There were lots and I mean lots of hickeys all over my body proof that what happened to us last night was real. Proof that I yielded to him and to my desires. Finally.

Making love with him felt so good, so right. So complete. I could never regret giving in to him. He was more than I could hope for in a lover.

The hickeys too were proof that he submitted to me—a woman—and proof that he could change. I doubt he’d place the same respect and high regard for the rest of the women in his kingdom, but I was a promising start. He could change for the better.

In high spirits, I donned in a dress that didn’t scream royalty or wealth. I was planning to do some manual labor after all and wearing a queenly gown would defeat the purpose. Plus, taking the hickeys on my arms and neck into consideration, I chose the best one that would hide all of it. It would be embarrassing to broadcast my sexual life to the people of Phanteon through the love marks no matter how much they love to hear it.

Rhea was already in the receiving room waiting for me. With two other maids, they prepared breakfast on my coffee table. We exchanged morning greetings and I got to eating right away, absentmindedly realizing I was already feeling famished.

“As per the king’s orders, I will accompany you later to the south wing, Serena,” Rhea notified while she observed me.

I nodded. “Right, thank you, Rhea.”

I gave her a smile but she was too preoccupied to look at my back to even reciprocate the gesture. Her eyes were wide and full of wonder. I had to turn and check just what got her so mesmerized.

Chuckling, I lifted a finger in the air and one winged insect approached and nestled on the tip.

“They are beautiful right?” I said.

Rhea neared me, her eyes set on the insect’s glittering rainbow-colored wings.

“Yes, they are. Are they native here?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I’m not sure, but I had seen them many times since we returned from Lord Hale’s mansion.”

“Are they harmless?” She lowered her face and meticulously examined the insect like she as a professor would normally do.

I took a hold of her hand and pressed it close to my finger. The creature somehow understood my intention and dutifully transferred to her hand.

“Yes, they are and I find them very calming,” I told her, smiling.

She giggled and made a silly face when the creature climbed up to her elbow with its spindly legs.

“Hmm, with constant gaze, yes, they do give that kind of effect,” she agreed. “These are remarkable creatures.”

“They are,” I replied and went back to finishing my meal.

Half an hour later, Rhea and I marched up to the castle’s north entrance. William was already outside waiting for us with two stallions behind him: one black and one brown, all with shiny mane and slender limbs.

“Your Highness, good morning,” he greeted and bowed.

“Good morning too, William.” I took the reign from his hand and ushered the black horse in a safe distance for climbing.

“I prepared one for Lady Rhea too,” he informed.

With a thankful smile, Rhea grabbed the reign and positioned herself for mounting. “Thank you, William,” she said.

We both looked at each other and exchanged nods.

“Try to keep up, Sir Beta,” I cried out, grinning at him. “See you in the south wing.”

“I will try not to disappoint you, Your Highness,” he stated, bending his head.

Once our horses galloped forward, I heard bones crackling from behind, telling me he had shifted to his wolf form.

When we arrived in the south wing, there were already people lining up, holding with them empty plates. I spotted a male server at the start of the line, sitting under a makeshift tent with a big casserole laid on a table.

After disembarking the horse, I neared him whilst waving at the fire victims who were happy to see me.

“Do you need help?” I asked when I was a few feet away from him.

The server blinked twice before answering me. “No, Your Highness. Thank you for the offer but you mustn’t do any hard labor.”


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