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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 56

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 56 by desirenovel


Once all the Alphas left, I took a sigh of relief. Honestly, my nerves were all over the place before the meeting. After my nap and thank God, free of the headache, anxiety overtook me. I questioned myself if I would be able to face these men with confidence. If I would stammer… If I would become a laughing stock… I was second-guessing myself. But then, I thought of the family’s affected by the fire, their suffering, and their pain. I didn’t want to be a queen who chose to do nothing just because of nerves. I wanted to act and give these people a voice.

Rhea also helped me overcome my hesitation. She reminded me of my spunk back in Lord Hale’s lair against the ever haughty Sofia. She also mentioned about my boldness in front of the many vampires in that vampire auction. She had great belief in me. She was confident I could finish this meeting with flying colors.

And I was happy I was able to do so.

At one point, I got a little distracted when I saw the king observing us. My wrist mark burned with need when our eyes contacted. I had to control my neutral face from cracking else I’d embarrass myself in front of the Alphas. I was glad he remained silent during the whole meeting. I would have wanted his input too, but that could be reserved for later when we’re alone.

And speaking of alone…

I counted to ten whilst I gathered my writings on one folder.

One. Two…

And it didn’t even reach to three before the king materialized within my peripheral vision.

“It looks like you got my Alphas declaring their loyalty to you,” he commented, leaning against the lowest balustrade of the audience area.

I paused from fixing the papers and glanced at him. Goodness, he was looking as dashing and handsome as always, but this time, minus the scowl. As opposed to the many times we used to meet before last night, his eyes now were filled with unfettered desire. Very strong and very clear. And it was all directed to me.

“I was only doing my job as queen, Your Majesty,” I said, “but their loyalty would be a nice addition.”

“Hmm, keep that up and they’ll be declaring their love to you too.”

I narrowed my eyes at him before slowly sashaying towards his spot.

“Your Majesty…Aero, you can’t possibly be jealous over your subordinates, are you?” I couldn’t help but ask.

His eyes turned to slits and his mouth formed into a darker line.

“With you, Serena?” he pulled my shoulders quickly when I was an arm’s reach away and pressed me flush against his chest. “Always.”

My heart immediately quickened its pace.

I wasn’t able to reply for he captured my lips that moment. His kiss…oh they were the same as last night—crushing, punishing, and passionate. He devoured me and I was happy to give in.

“Hmmm,” I moaned as I returned his kisses. My hands wandered to his back and felt all the tense muscles there. It didn’t take long before I sensed the growing need in me.

I wanted to feel his body. I wanted him to taste all of me. I wanted him inside me again so much that my body was burning in flames. But as strong as these feelings were, my body was also aching for something…

“Hungry?” I muttered in between our kisses.

He pressed his groin closer to me and groaned out a heavy ‘yes.’

“I am hungry, Serena. For you,” he drawled, then started tracing kisses along my jaw.

I chuckled at his words.

“No,” I whispered, withdrawing from his caressing. “What I mean is dinner, Aero.”

Instantly, a scowl appeared on his face.

“Food can wait,” he said sternly before crashing his mouth on mine again.

I reciprocated it with the same zeal, but minutes later, I whispered again.

“I am…famished though.”

As embarrassing as it sounds, my stomach was growling. The last time I ate, it was at lunch. The meeting with the Alphas was also draining so my body was looking for some nourishment too.

A cross between utter frustration and sadness colored the king’s face when he slowly pulled away. He was so cute, acting like a little boy that I couldn’t help but bit my lip.

“Then, let’s get you some dinner,” he said after staring deeply into my eyes, “but after that, I’m not stopping, Serena, you hear me?”

Giggling, I gave him the widest grin in response.

“Highly noted, my king.”

Together inside the main dining area of the castle, Aero and I ate. He was thoughtful enough to give me some time with my food, but after the last of the dessert was offered, he opened up a topic that I didn’t expect at all.

“Can you tell me what you saw in that forest, Serena?” he started, staring straight at me with enough gravity. “I know remembering those dead witches again especially while we’re in the dining table would be awful; however, I need to know—”

“It’s okay,” I cut in, giving him a reassuring smile. “My stomach is trained for such queasy moments. My adoptive father used to work in the police department of our town. Sometimes, he tends to bring his cases complete with gruesome pictures to dinner despite us opposing.”

Something in his eyes lit at my confession. Maybe he was surprised I was adopted? Or maybe surprised I actually shared a personal story about my life?

“Okay,” he blinked a few times before continuing, “then tell me, Serena. Before I arrived, you said you saw the murderer?”

“Yes, but due to the cloak, I couldn’t detail out the gender,” I answered. “My gut is telling me it is a man though. He stood near one of the witches holding a bloody sword, but that wasn’t what surprised me. It was the flames in his right hand. It was burning constantly but it appeared he wasn’t hurt at all.” I paused and frowned at the memory. “Like he was immune to the fire.”

“Did you notice anything unusual other than that?” he asked, leaning towards me.

“No, but in the market fire yesterday, I saw that same cloaked person again.”

My eyes immediately widened when I remembered Alpha Aaron’s words.


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