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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 66

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 66 by desirenovel


“Lord Hale!” I gasped, so sure of myself despite not seeing his face.

He chuckled underneath the mask first before taking it off and dropping it to the floor.

“You’re very perceptive, my queen.”

He reached out trying to take my mask too. Quickly, I moved back, disengaging myself from his hold.

“As far as I remember, you’re not invited in this party,” I stated whilst giving him a frown.

He just tipped his head ever so slightly to the side in response.

“Have I ever cared for such insignificant invitations?” he said.

He stepped forward, I stepped back. Deep inside me, my heart was hammering a beat of fear. I tried to keep my face neutral and my spine straight. If anything, I didn’t want him to see me cowering, but still flashes of pictures of him soon biting me still leaked out of my traitorous thoughts.

“Aero can’t stop me from seeing you, Serena. Or even the mutts he employed to secure the castle.”


That doesn’t surprise me at all. Vampires, they were sneaky creatures of the dark, especially one with a noble descent, namely this man.

“Right,” I snorted, putting up a brave face. “Then, shall we go inside? Let your presence be known to him and all the other guests.”

Swiftly, his hand was on my shoulder. I didn’t even saw him lift it and that alone supported my reason for fearing him. He might be using his powers on me for all I know.

“Why be hasty? Let’s stay for a while longer,” he smiled. “This night deserves to be savored with a woman, especially a queen that is ‘horny’ still. I could still smell your lust, Serena. It’s giving me the best kind of chill.”

“Not directed to you, I’m sure,” I spat.

“He hadn’t touched you yet?” was his bold question. I remained silent.

“Hmm, that’s a shame. I would have already claimed you if you were mine.”

‘Aero has already claimed me, you stupid vampire!’ I shouted in my thoughts. I so wanted to tell him that but refrained. He didn’t deserve to know.

“My sex life is not your business, Lord Hale,” I stated, then moved forward towards the glass door.

In reaction, he gripped my elbow tightly and blocked my exit.

“I said stay, Serena. I will not ask again.” The tone of his voice gave a hint of a threat. I clenched my teeth and hissed at him.

“By any chance, did you plan this with Farryl?”

He cocked a brow in response. “Whatever do you mean?”

“This,” I pointed to the current situation we were in. “You being here. I am inclined to believe that Farryl led me here to meet you.”

His stance. His expression. His overall bearing didn’t change. Either he was good at acting, or he just didn’t know what I was blabbering about.

“Why would you think that? I am not in alliance with her despite how much we both hate your husband.” He cracked a wide grin then and sighed. “Ooops, apologies Your Highness, my tongue slipped.”

I inhaled sharply. “I’m well aware werewolves and vampires hate each other, Lord Hale. You don’t need to hide that from me.”

“Ah, you’re a really precious woman,” he replied, attempting to touch my cheek, but I quickly jerked away.

He didn’t look offended with this. In fact, he was grinning still as if he was enjoying our less than warm interaction.

“Honestly, I hadn’t seen or even talked to that guardian for quite a while now,” he finally confessed after a short pause.

“So, you mean to say you jumped to this realm without her permission?”

“Hm, I believe she knows my presence here tonight, but then again, I can be stealthy and avoid detection any time and in any place,” he proudly stated.

Damn it. Now that confirms my suspicion of him being a grade A sneaky bat.

“So, it’s safe to assume you are not in cohorts with her,” I muttered without hesitation; lowering my guard for a few seconds.

“She has her own agenda, Serena, and I have mine,” he answered. “And speaking of which, you owe me remember?”

My defenses heightened again at the memory of his words: his bold confession…his promise of biting me. Hell, this wasn’t good.

“I do not,” was the first words that came out of my mouth just to buy time if possible. I stepped backward and yanked myself free from his grip, but he was quick to grab my other elbow.

“Uh uh, I think you know exactly what I’m talking about, my queen.”

“And you’re crazy to assume I would willingly let you bite me!” Glares as sharp as daggers hit him.

“Hmm, then, you prefer I tell all the people in Phanteon that their luna is a fake? That you are just a human and not a real she-wolf? They would be devastated, I’m sure.”

I gasped when I heard it.

“You…you wouldn’t dare blackmail me! We are living a peaceful life here, Lord Hale. Don’t ruin it!”

“A peaceful life…tsk,” he mused. “I doubt it will last. Aero has enemies, Serena. They are just hiding under the shadows, waiting for the opportune time to strike.”

With that, a wild thought crossed my mind.


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