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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 79

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 79 by desirenovel

“Leave Phanteon out of this!” I cried out. “The werewolf people have always lived a peaceful life. Yes, they may be at times savage and uncontrollable, but they respect territory. Unless provoked, they keep to themselves. They don’t interfere or pry on the matters of the other realms.”

“You sure speak exactly like their Luna, Ysanna, and this is unforgivable,” he told me, sneering.

He then turned his attention to the panel around us and pointed a hand towards me.

“Don’t you see Elders of the High Fae Court? She has done and told enough to show that she is indeed one of them! She could never be our High Priestess. She must be stripped of her powers and be sentenced to death!”

That was quick, but I had an ace up my sleeve.

“No, I demand you to listen!” I shouted, spreading a palm against my chest. “I am fae. I have the right to be heard!”

“You stop being a fae when you became the Alpha King’s whore,” he spat with glares on my way. “That mate mark on your neck speaks for itself.”

Hell, this was exactly what I didn’t want to happen. Geraden was cunning enough to use my mated status as an advantage.

I watched as the Elders exchanged glances, then they all nodded.

King Geraden was swift to turn to me with a sly grin. “You will be stripped with your right as fae and as the High Priestess, Ysanna. Your powers too.”

“How dense of you to condemn me with that basis alone. My being a queen and the king’s mate doesn’t mean that the werewolves are guilty. I am what I am. I am destined for the Alpha King. I am his true mate. You can’t go against destiny!”

“Oh I can,” he flashed me a wicked smile. “Just like how I dealt with your mother.”

My eyes turned to slits. “What do you mean?”

“Like mother like daughter huh?” he chuckled.

“Your mother had an indecent relationship with a werewolf, my dear,” Queen Adna filled in. “She was willing to sacrifice her status as the High Priestess just for the sake of that man. It was painful to watch her slowly fall out of grace, succumbed to the sins of the flesh, and ruin herself.”

“I had to stop it,” Geraden continued. “Sever their bond so that she’d return to her senses and stay in Ehnrelil.”

I gave him a glare, my memory returning to the time when I saw my mother cry in secret. I never understood why she did that. Now, I could perfectly guess it was for her beloved…my father.

“My deepest regret was finding out about you too late. You are the fruit of their forbidden union. You are never a true fae. You are part wolf.”

My eyes immediately widened. Hearing him said that, my reality around me spun. I was here to speak my case. I was here to defend the werewolves. Never had I expected I’d be facing a truth beyond my current existence could hold.

Shit. No wonder they treated me badly.

From my periphery, on the highest area of the courtroom where the darkness mostly covered, I caught Hale’s figure. I glanced there and saw his expression. He was as surprised as me. Clearly he didn’t get that tidbit when he stole a taste of my blood.

For a moment, my strength left me. My shoulders hunched. My knees shook. My eyes flew to the floor and stared at it for quite some time, remembering my childhood and my precious life in Phanteon. No wonder I felt a sense of connection with the were people. No wonder I could never feel at home in Ehnrelil.

“Everything makes sense now?” Geraden muttered, his voice still dripping smugness.

I glanced at him, ready to throw in a string of questions, but as I did, my attention fell on a new person who walked inside the courtroom. I had seen this woman before, back when I was in Hale’s mansion.

The bitch Sofia.

What a fucking revelation, but this really wasn’t the information that blew my mind. It was the deadly weapon, the long sword with red stones, that was secured in a belt chain around her hip, the same one that that murderer-turned-arsonist used to kill those witches. This was clear proof they were one and the same person.


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