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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 11

Raphael POV

I wake up, don’t know what time it is but fuck that, I have her in my bed, tangled in me. I can feel her soft breathing against my bare chest skin. She smells so good, she smells of honey and coconut.

Her smell drives me wild. I hold her tight and I feel her body adjusting to my grip.

“Good morning” – she says still with her eyes closed

“Hi” – I say trying to seem colder than what I wanted to be.

“What time is it?”

“Do I look like a watch to you?” – I say regretting immediately my words when she pushed her body away from me.

“I’m sorry” – she says getting out of the bed and holding her body.

“Look, I know what happened was fucked up, but I am no prince charming coming to save you”

“I never said I wanted a prince charming, they are overrated” – she says, I want to laugh but I keep my serious face while she looks at me raising one eyebrow.

“Look, I know you hate me, and I don’t particularly like you either so let’s keep this simple”

“I don’t hate you, I don’t love you, but I don’t hate you, you saved me last night and for that I will be forever grateful” – she says interrupting me

“Don’t do that, don’t ever fucking to that again” – I say while I stand up

“What do you mean?” – She looked confused

I walk towards her towering her small frame

“Don’t EVER interrupt me again” – I say close to her ear “Otherwise I will have to punish you”

“You know what? FUCK YOU Raphael, I thought that after what happened yesterday you would be a bit less of an ogre towards me, but fuck me was I wrong” – she storms towards the bathroom locking both doors

“I have a spare key if I want to go in, locking the door won’t do shit” – I say with a grin on my face

“You wouldn’t dare” – she shouts from inside the bathroom.

“Try me”

I heard the water from the sink being turned on and I started to remember her having a panic attack yesterday and I feel compelled to open the fucking door and hold her. But I can’t, she wouldn’t fit in this world, but I do want to fuck her, hard, no mercy. But even I know that today is not the day, not after she almost being raped.

My phone starts to ring and I answer

“This better be important” – I bark

“Boss, we sent Karkov’s head to his family in Russia”

“Good, keep an eye on the business today, I need to be a fucking CEO today” – I know it is Sunday but I have some paperwork to take care of and that is important, just because I run a mafia doesn’t mean I can overlook my business.

“Sure boss”

I hang up to see her looking at me with those piercing green eyes, fuck me I want to touch her so bad, I feel myself smirk looking at her

“I want to go home” – she says

I grab my phone and call Joseph

“I need you to take Olivia home, NOW”

“I’ll get the car ready boss”

“Joseph has the car ready to take you home”


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