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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 12

Olivia POV

I walk into a black SUV, I sit in the back and I put my head against the window and I let myself feel bad.

“Why? Why does he have to be such a dick? One moment he is sweet, and holds me, and protects me, the other he is distant and cold”- I think to myself

I see NY pass by the window and when I notice we are in front of my building, I gather my things and when I get ready to open the door, the door is opened from the outside.

“Thanks” – I say looking at the floor

“You are welcome Miss” – he says

I ignore it and open the building door and go towards the lift. When I get to my door and open it and I step in dropping everything on the floor and I walk towards my bed, that’s when I notice that I am still wearing his clothes.

I give it a sniff – Oh he smells nice. It is intoxicating.

I grab my phone and throw myself on my bed and I start texting Anna and John.

I tell them about the Gala and the shooting, but I didn’t tell them that was Raphael that killed the men, they were both worried because of all the news and me not replying to their texts and phone calls. After they were sure I was fine they said we would go out for a meal tomorrow their treat.

I call my mother and make some small talk, I don’t tell her I was at the gala so she doesn’t worry. We talk about dad, work and she asks me about my love life and I can’t help but think about Raphael. I make up an excuse and end the phone call and just stare at the sealing.

I get up going to the kitchen when my stomach makes a lot of noise and once again I forgot to go food shopping and I honestly can’t be fucked, so I grab a glass of water and an apple that was left and I sit on the sofa, that’s how I spent my Sunday. Wrapped around his clothes and watching TV.

When I look at the time is 10 pm and I decide to go to bed, maybe I will die in my sleep and save myself from this tedious life.

I fall asleep and obviously I have a nightmare.

That man is grabbing me against the wall but this time I am naked, Raphael was there but he was just looking, he had anger in his eyes.

“Raphael help please” – I cried

He looked at me and smiled, I hoped he would come and save me, but no, he didn’t move.

The man started to kiss my neck and caress my breasts and tried to fight him, but he was stronger than me, then I heard him say “I’m gonna fuck you now, and he is going to watch” and when he says that I wake up.

I am covered in sweat, I am shaking. I look at the alarm clock and it’s 5 am.

I get up and go to the kitchen to get a glass of water, I drink it and I decide there was no point in going back to sleep as my alarm would go through in 1 hour.

I walk to the bathroom and I turn the shower on, while the water gets warm I brush my teeth, when I finish I walk into the shower and I let my body relax under the hot water.

I wash my long hair and my body with my coconut shampoo and body wash.

I get out and I moisturise my body and do my skin routine, I apply a simple make up, as I am not very good at it, just some mascara and some pink Kylie cosmetics lip gloss.

I go to my room and decide to wear a black pencil skirt that goes to my knees, stockings that end on my thighs, a red button shirt tucked in the skirt, I walk back to the bathroom to do my hair.

I brush my hair back putting it up on a tidy ballerina bun, looking myself in the mirror I can see how tired I look.

I go back to the bedroom and put on my black blazer to match my skirt. I put on a red pair of stilettos and walk to the living room grabbing my work folders and my purse

“Shit I forgot to charge my phone” – I say to myself

I grab my keys and walk out, when I look at the time its 7 am, and I decide to walk to the ferry. As usual I go to the top floor and sit reading a book. When I get to Manhattan I walk to the subway and go straight to work.

When I get there Lucas is no-where to be seen. First class is only at 9am, so he wouldn’t be in until 8:30 and it is only 8:00.

I sit on my desk starting to look at the files piled up, “great, some more papers to grade” – I say to myself

I get a hold of the first one and start reading it, and I couldn’t focus, my mind kept going to Raphael. Why was he so sweet and caring one moment and the other an utter twat? What the fuck is wrong with him?


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