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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 16

Olivia POV

I don’t know how long had passed, but I wake up naked on my bed wrapped up on a blanket. The last thing I remember was having a bath. I look around to see a sleeping Raphael on the sofa holding his phone.

I get up and wrap up the blanket covering my body and walk to him, I put one strand of his hair behind his ear, he looks so peaceful while he sleeps, he looks like an angel.

I grab another blanket and throw it on top of him.

His phone rings and I grab it so he doesn’t wake up. I see a woman’s name but I reject the call, it might just be his secretary or his assistant.

Almost at the same time I cancel the phone call a message comes in and I look, I swear I didn’t do on purpose.

“Hey hot stuff, fancy a fuck?”

That’s what it said on the text, I felt anger coming over me that I couldn’t explain. I throw the phone at his head and he wakes up

“Hey, that hurt” – he says grabbing his phone and massaging his head.

“GET OUT” – I shout at him

He gets up and walks towards me, he breathes confidence.


He grabs me by my waist and pushes my body towards his and calmly looks into my raging eyes.

“And why would I do that?” – He asks with a smirk on his face

“BECAUSE YOUR SLUT IS WAITING FOR YOU TO GO FUCK HER” – I say feeling a tear falling from my eye, immediately I clean it with the back of my hand still starring into his ocean blue eyes.

I can see confusion, and lust on his eyes. We are not together. He just comes to my rescue when I need it and then leaves. I have no right to feel this way but I can’t control it.

“What are you talking about?” – He asks looking down on me

“Let go of me” – I say trying to get out of his grip

“Not until you explain what is happening here”

I laugh in sarcasm

“You have to be fucking kidding me, one moment you want me, the other you tell me to fuck off, then you say I will ask you to fuck me, when I ask you say not yet, and then you pretend to be worried about me and pretend to care and then you get text messages from your girlfriend asking for a fuck” – I let out

“I don’t have a girlfriend” – He says with the calmest facial expression I’ve ever seen, He’s either a great actor or he is actually telling the truth.

“That’s the only thing you got from all of that?”

“I’m just saying that I don’t have a girlfriend, and about you, I do care, if I didn’t I wouldn’t be here”

“You care?” – I say as if I could breathe again.

“Yes I care, but I have dangerous people around me, and if they find out that I care about you, you will be in danger” – he says giving me a little peck on the tip of my nose

“Raphael?” – I say looking up at his eyes


“You’re hurting me” – he was grabbing me as if his life depended on it, his hands were so tight around my waist that he was hurting me.

“Sorry” – he says loosen up the grip but not letting go

“You should go home and rest, I will leave the hospital tomorrow” – I say trying to distract both of us from the tension that was between us

"I am not going anywhere" - he says

"Ok, but we should get some sleep" - I say

He grabs my hand and takes me to the bed and opens it for me, I jump in and he wraps me with the duvet.

I look at him and smile, I close my eyes trying to sleep. But I can’t, my head is flying around, thinking about what he said.

He cared, but he couldn’t. Dangerous people? I feel myself drifting into dreamland.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I wake up and it’s light outside and Raphael is nowhere to be seen. There’s a tray with pancakes next to my bed, smells amazing.

I grab the plate and I start eating it, chocolate chip yam.

The doctor comes in to do the rounds and tells me that I am free to go. I smile and he asks me to take it easy for the next couple of days. I nod and smile.

I grab my phone that was standing on the bedside table and I turn it on and there were 20 missed calls from Lucas and 7 text messages from him. 3 messages from Tasha and a couple of missed calls from Anna and John.

I message Anna and John saying that I will be discharged if one of them could come and pick me up.


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