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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 17

Raphael POV

“Hey, do you want to come up?” - Liv’s voice sounds like an angel

I nod my head agreeing to what she said, she tries to get away from my hug but I hold her tighter.

“Not yet” – I say

Since the phone call I had in the afternoon about the attack on my men when we were picking up a shipment of guns all I could think was protecting Olivia, but then she got discharged from the hospital and I’ve never been so scared in my life.

I didn’t know where she was, who she was with. If she was safe.

I can’t have that.

I let her go from the hug after what seemed like hours and I look down into her beautiful green eyes.

“Shall we?”

“We shall” – she replies grabbing some of the grocery bags.

I take them from her and I carry them all to the lift.

The moment the lift door closes I have a massive urge to kiss her

“Fuck it” – I say letting the bags fall on the floor and pinning her body against the wall kissing her.

She gives a moan and I take my chance and I explore her mouth with my tongue. This is the best feeling ever. She tastes so good.

I press the Stop Button and grab her from her ass and lift her, she wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck allowing her hands to play with my hair.

“You are going to be the death of me” – I say between our kisses

“Raphael, someone might need the lift”

“Fuck them” – I say planting kisses down her neck while she shivers with pleasure. I can feel her heavy breathing and I am about to lose control. My cock is so hard that actually hurts being trapped inside my trousers and boxer shorts.

I pull away from her letting her feet meet the floor again and I look deeply into her eyes.

“Why did you kiss me?” – I hear an almost breathless Olivia

“Because I wanted to”

I press the button and the lift starts again, I grab all the groceries from the floor and I can see that she is aroused. I can see how bright red she is and how her breathing is still heavy.

The door opens and she grabs a set of keys opening the door and I look inside. Her entire flat is the same size as just my living room. How can she live in a place like this?

“Down on the left” – she says pointing to the kitchen. I take everything and put all the bags on the floor. She comes after me barefoot and already with her hair in a messy bun. Fuck me how she’s hot.

I can’t control myself and I grab her by her waist sitting her on the countertops opening her legs to allow myself to fit between them. She wraps her legs and arms around me and stares deep into my eyes.

“Are we having sex now?” – She asks and I can see desire on her eyes

“Not today” – I reply teasing her kissing her neck

She takes a deep breath and tries to push me away, but I grab her hands and press them against my chest.

Her eyes grow wider and she looks into my soul. She can feel my heartbeat. She can feel my erection. She knows I fucking want her. She knows she has me wrapped up around her fingers.

“Why not?” – She asks

“Because you need to rest, and when we do this, you will be so drained that you need to be healthy for it”

“Cocky I see” – she says.

I give her a smirk and kiss her plump soft pink lips, I grab her hair back making her gasp and I allow my tongue inside her mouth, fuck she tastes good. She pulls me closer by my shirt and starts to lift it from the inside of my trousers.

Now that my shirt is untucked she allows her hands to touch my skin underneath, I can feel her breathing getting heavier, and she starts to roll her hips making me even harder

“You are making this very difficult little one”

“Maybe that’s what I want”

I grab her ass and I lift her and I push her body against the kitchen wall allowing my erection to puck her pussy and she gasps.


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