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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 21

Raphael POV

Olivia Smiles and pulls me in for a Kiss, I kiss her with pleasure.

I allow my hands to go wild and free on her body, she moans with pleasure. I break our kiss and look deep into her green eyes.

Olivia wraps her legs around my waist and her phone starts ringing

“Ignore it”- I say

“Might be important”

I move so she can get up, she answers her phone without even looking who is calling


“Hi Lucas, can I call you later?”

I look at her with anger in my eyes, my blood is boiling, and that fucktard knows to keep his distance from Olivia.

I walk towards her and grab her phone, I can see she didn't like me doing it, but I could care less.


“Raphael?” – I can hear the surprise on his voice

“Olivia is busy right now” – I say trying to keep calm so I don’t scare her off

“Raphael give me my phone back” – Olivia says trying to get a hold of her phone

I give her a threatening look and she steps back. Fuck I didn't want to scare her.

“Let me talk to her Raphael”

“No” and I throw her phone against the wall and I start pacing

“What the fuck Raphael” – Olivia looks at me in shock – “That was my phone”

“I’ll get you a new and better one” – I say

“I don’t want or need a new or better one, I wanted my phone, what the fuck were you thinking?”

“Are you fucking him?”

“Are you fucking insane? After everything I said to you just now, you’re asking me if I’m fucking Lucas?”

“Answer the question Olivia”

“No. I am not fucking my BOSS, you idiot”

Olivia walks to the bathroom and locks the door

I keep pacing, I can’t cope with other man wanting what is mine, but she’s not even mine yet, I haven’t even fucked her yet and I am already claiming her. What’s wrong with me?

I walk to the bathroom door and nock

“Olivia open the door”


“Olivia, open the fucking door or help me God I am going to kick it down”

No answer, she’s fucking playing with fire. I know I really like how she talks back at me, something that no one else does, she’s got the guts to tell me off on my bullshit but I have no patience for shit like this.

“Olivia open this fucking door right now”

Nothing. I take a deep breath and I kick the door breaking it in half, and I see her sitting on the floor hugging her body looking at me in shock

“You are a fucking animal, what was I thinking?”

“Don’t ever do this again. Don’t ever leave me to talk by myself”

“I am not your employee Raphael. I don’t even know what the fuck I am to you”

“You are my everything” – I say kneeling in front of her

“Please Olivia, I am going to fuck up a lot, but you can’t hold it against me, I’ve never done this before”

“And what are we doing Raphael?”

“Whatever you want, as long as we do it together” – I say getting desperate.

She grabs my face looking into my eyes

“Raph, you need to learn to trust me, the same way I trust you”

The way she says my name makes me want to fuck her right here right now. I get up and scoop her body into my arms taking her back to bed. Her arms are around my neck while she gives small kisses on my neck. I feel Goosebumps.

I put her down on the bed and she grabs my shoulders bringing me down with her, her nails run down my shoulders to my back and she starts to kiss me slowly and with passion. I deepen the kiss, I am full of lust

My cock is pounding and I need her.

“Raphael” – she says


“Can we slow down?”

“Don’t tell me it’s your first time?” – I ask in disbelief

“No, nooo, oh no”

I laugh at her response.


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