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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 22

Olivia POV

I wake up feeling someone playing with my hair, I open my eyes to see Raphael sitting next to me

“Hello Handsome” – I say

“Hello my love” – he replies and it gets my heart racing.

I notice he is already dressed all in black, this guy is too hot for his own good. In a matter of seconds, I have my arms around his neck pressing my lips against him. I pass my tongue on his lips and he parted them allowing my tongue to explore his.

My hands go down to his chest, his hard and toned chest, I allow my hands to start lifting his t-shirt and he stops kissing me pulling himself away.

“Later” – he says

I pout and he laughs

“Go get dressed, breakfast should be ready in a minute”

I smile and jump out of bed walking naked towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and then I remember that this is not my house.

I put my head out of the bathroom

“Hey, do you have an extra toothbrush?”

“There’s one in the cupboard” – he answers me

I start opening the doors under the sink and one of them doesn’t open, I force it and while opening I fall on my ass because of the strength I was putting on, when I look inside I see 2 guns and I gasp.

“Did you find it?” – I hear Raphael’s voice getting closer

He walks in the bathroom and sees me sitting on my ass on the floor with one gun in my hands.

“What are you doing?” – He says with his low voice that flows authority and grabs the gun out of my hands

My eyes fly up towards him holding the gun on his side

“Why do you have guns in the bathroom?”

“I have guns everywhere, in case I don’t have my gun with me and someone attacks me”

“Who would attack you in your own house?”

Raphael lifts me and grabs a new toothbrush from under the sink passing it to me “You would be surprised love”

He smacks my ass “Hurry up, I have clothes on the bed for you” – he says looking down into my eyes.

I open the toothbrush package and pass it under the water putting some toothpaste on and start to brush my teeth. Raphael’s body is resting against the door frame and his arms are crossed in front of his chest and I can feel his eyes looking up and down my body.

I finish and walk past him making sure my ass touched his genital area and he growls.

I smile and I see a pair of lace red thongs and matching bra, a pair of black Levi's jeans, and a white crop top that will show my under boob covered by the red bra.

I start to get dressed and decide to leave the bra off, if he wants me to wear that small crop top he’s gonna have to deal with my under boob showing without covering.

My breasts are big, I always have to wear a bra, but I want to tease him, I want him to fuck me into oblivion, so I will provoke him to the maximum of my abilities.

His eyes are on me while I get dressed and when I put the top on without the bra he walks toward me

“No fucking way” – he says

I smile

“What's the problem?”

“That top shows your breasts, and there are too many men in this house”

“And?” – I say licking my lips after

“I am not letting you go out like that, no-one can look at you but me, no-one can see your breasts besides me, no other man will EVER touch you”

“Stop being paranoid, I am hungry” – I say walking barefoot towards the door

Raphael grabs my arm turning me to face him, his eyes went dark and I can see he is pissed

“Don’t you ever do that” – he says

“Do what?”

“I told you, you are not going out like that”

“You are not the boss of me Raphael, if I want the world to see my under boob I will definitely show it to the world”

He grabs me and throws me to the bed and I fall on my stomach. Raphael positions himself behind me and smacks my ass

I let out a small scream “What the fuck Raphael”

“You will do as you are told” – he says and he smacks my ass again this time stronger. I can feel myself getting wet.

“Stop that” – I shout and he stops backing away from me, his eyes are on my top

“Change that” – he says as he walks into his dressing room.

I wrap my arms around my breasts still trying to understand why he spanked me and I actually enjoyed it.

Raphael walks back and throws one os his white Nike t-shirts to the bed, I pick it up and take my crop top off while I look into his eye and I can see lust and desire on them.

I put his t-shirt on and walk past him to leave the room. He blocks the door with his body

“I am hungry” – I say crossing my arms

Raphael kisses my lips softly “You will be my destruction, the death of me” – he says holding my chin up so my eyes can meet his

He grabs my hand opening the door and guiding me through that massive house towards the kitchen.

When we walk in I smell coffee and food

“Smells so good” – I say with a smile on my face

“Here, sit” – Raphael points at a chair on the kitchen table.

I sit and a plate appears in front of me, there are stacks of pancakes, cooked bacon, and sausages, eggs all over the table.

“Dig in” – Raphael says

I pour some coffee into my mug and grab a couple of pancakes and a couple of rashes of bacon and 1 egg, I put it all on my plate and start eating.

Raphael’s plate is full and he is eating it without stopping.

“Don’t look at me and eat” – he says

I smile and I dig in, everything tastes delicious.


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