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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 24

Olivia POV

I walk towards Raphael standing between the gun and Tammy and Raphael puts his gun away.

“What the fuck are you doing standing in front of a gun?”

“Let her go” – I ask him

“GO” – Raphael shouts not taking his eyes off of me

I see the girl running away with tears, I feel bad for her, I know she tried to deceive me, but she doesn’t deserve death for it.

“Kiss me” – I say to him trying to calm him down.

Raphael kisses me and I throw him onto the bed and straddle him. I can feel his cock growing underneath me.

“You will be the death of me” – he says pulling me closer to him

“And you will be the death of me” – I say back letting my hands play with his messy hair.

A few days went by and all I did was sleep, have amazing and endless sex, and read. Raphael got me a new phone as he broke my old one. He got me an iPhone 11 and it’s linked to his account, he didn’t lie to me, he told me he needed to know at all times where I was. I know it is a bit creepy but I find it endearing.

I haven’t heard from Lucas and I started to feel like I was going to lose my job. As Sunday night arrived and we were having dinner outside near the pool I ask Raphael if I could go back to work, he tensed.

“Why do you want to go back?”

“Because it is my life, and I actually enjoy my job” – I say

“I’ll get you a job at my company”

“Raph, please, I like my job, and I am safe inside NYU”

“Olivia, I don’t trust Lucas” – he lets out

“Do you trust me?” - I ask and automatically I regret asking, I don’t want to know if he doesn’t trust me.

“I do, but there are some dangerous people around, I need you to be safe”

“Okay, so let’s negotiate” – I say


“Raphael, be reasonable, I’ll have Michael with me, I will always have my phone on and with me, I will answer the phone whenever you call, but I need to go back to work, I have my student loan to pay”

“I will pay for it” – he says and I choke

“No you will not, I need to do it, please Raphael, I know you are not telling me something, something big, and I know you care about me, so please let me go back to my life, I feel like a prisoner with sexual benefits” – I let out

“Fine, but you will move in with me” – he says

“I can’t come back here every day, it’s too far away”

“Into my penthouse” – he says and I smile

“Fine, only until you find it safe for me to go back to my house”

“You’re not going back, ever, I’ll have Michael and Joseph pick up all your stuff and take it to the penthouse”

“I want to pack my own stuff, I don’t feel comfortable with them packing my stuff”

“Why do you have to be so stubborn?”

“Why do you have to be a control freak?” – I say standing up and storming off into the bedroom and locking the door behind me.

He is driving me crazy, he is overprotective and now I can’t even pack my own shit? He’s not even my boyfriend, every time I brought it up he says “I don’t do relationships”, I curse and kick the chair letting out a cry when my toes hurt.

I pace inside the bedroom and I decide to have a bath and try to calm down. I walk into the bathroom and turn on the water on the bathtub, and throw some bath salt inside and a bath bomb. I turned the light off after lightening some candles and grabbing a glass of wine from the private bar we had inside the bathroom.

I grabbed my phone and turned my Spotify on with some Ed Sheeran playing softly and I undress myself getting inside the tub. I took a sip of the wine.

I allow my body to relax and I start to drift into sleep, I wake up with a big bang, it frightened me to my core, I get up and wrap my body on the bathrobe and walk outside the bathroom to notice all the lights were off and there were gunshots everywhere.

I run into the dressing room as was the only room without any windows and only the door, I fell on the floor on my ass and hugged my legs against my chest. My mind was flying. I was worried about Raphael if he was hurt.

I don’t know where this strength came from but I got up and got dressed in the first things I saw, a pair of skinny jeans and a button-up red shirt. I looked around for a gun, he had to have a gun here somewhere.


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