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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 23

Raphael POV

Olivia got to my last straw of patience today.

I walk inside the house and I see her walking towards the swimming pool.

I give Michael a signal to keep an eye out for her outside.

I walk to my office and when I open the door I see a very naked Tammy. Tammy is one of my housekeepers. She is Maria’s daughter, I am not ashamed to admit I’ve had sex with her, more than once. This is one of the perks of having staff living in.

“Get dressed and get the fuck out” – I say and I can see her confused expression

She walks towards me and grabs my cock “Boss, I know you need me” – she said while she licked her lips.

If it was another time I would’ve fucked her here and then but I have Olivia sleeping outside and she is the only person I can think about fucking at the moment.

“I said get dressed and get the fuck out”

“But boss, she doesn’t satisfy you, how could she?”

“What do you mean?” – I say looking deep into her eyes allowing her t grab my cock to feel that she did not affect me.

“she’s a fat cow, you don’t like a fat woman”

I allow my hands to grab her hair pulling it back while she lets out a gasp

“If you ever dare to call Olivia anything other than her name, or miss, I will put a bullet on your head”

“You wouldn’t do that, my mum would never forgive you”

“Do you think I give a flying fuck about it?” – I say without showing my emotions. I would never be able to hurt Maria. She was like a mother to me.

She let go of my cock and walks towards her clothes that were on the floor and gets dressed. She doesn’t say another word and she leaves.

Joseph walks in smiling “So, I see you didn’t do her this time”

“No, Olivia is here, I need to learn to control myself when she is around”

“In theory, you should learn to control yourself, period”

“Fuck you” – I say

“You know Tammy is gonna cause problems with Olivia don’t you?”

“No, she’s not, she’s not stupid, she knows I love her mother like my own, but she also knows I would have no problem killing her”

“Tell yourself that” – Joseph says

“Keep an eye out for her” – I say and he smiles as if he won the fucking lottery.

“What did you want? I know you didn’t come here to control my sex life”

“Yeah ok, we need you at the Underground”

“You fucking serious?”

“It’s about the Russians boss”

“What do they want now?”

“They are in New York boss, our spy said that Julius was flying today”

“FUCK, let’s go” – I say storming out of the house.

When we arrive at the underground everyone was there, I assume Joseph contacted everyone. They all looked at the floor while I passed them.

“Listen up, Julius is in NY, I want eyes, and ears on him. If he moves I know about it, if he sneezes I fucking know about it”

No-one replied they just nodded their heads.

I walk into my office and there are loads of papers to be taken care of.

I hear someone knocking on the door

“Come in”



“We have a shipment arriving today from Italy, I have 4 men taking care of that, at the same time there’s gonna be a delivery from the Spanish arriving, do you want us to intercept?”

“No, we don’t have any problems with the Spanish and they always respected out turf, but keep an eye out, if they try anything kill them all”

“Sure boss”

“Now leave” – I say while I pass my hands through my hair.

I don’t know how long it has been but my phone starts to ring and it’s Michael my head of security on my house and Olivia’s new personal bodyguard.



“Raphael, I want you to tell this asshole to open the gates and let me out” – I hear Olivia’s pissed voice on the phone

“Olivia? Put Michael on the phone”

“No, you listen to me, and listen to me good Mr. Lockwood, you had your fun, now let me go home, tell him to fucking open this gate or I will climb it”

“Olivia, be reasonable”

“Fuck you Raphael” - and it hangs up.

I try calling again but no answer.


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