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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 28

Olivia POV

I wake up and it is Tuesday morning, it is 7:30 AM, fuck I’m late. I get up fast and run to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put my hair into a high ponytail.

I run to the dressing room and grabbed a black knee-length dress and high heels shoes.

I put my blazer on top and grab my handbag and walk back into the bedroom looking at the time.

Shit I am late, I grab my phone and then I realized Raphael is not in the bed.

I walk out of the bedroom towards the kitchen and I see him, he is sitting on a stool on the kitchen island. He is talking to Maria and he is dressed in a dark blue suit and a white shirt and a dark blue tie. Black shoes, Fuck this man is hot.

I walk behind him and give him a hug from behind grabbing his mug and taking a sip of his black coffee.

I give him a peck on the cheek

“I am late” – I say walking towards the door when he grabs my waist pulling me towards him

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“To work” – I say blinking my eyes

“Oh no, you’re not” – Raphael says with his blue eyes getting darker.

“Babe, I have to go, I don’t want to be fired”

“I don’t give a flying fuck but you will NOT be in the same room as Lucas” – Raphael says spitting fire.

“He’s not going to touch me, Michael will be near me all the time” – I say hugging him

“No” – he replies

“Raphael, I am not asking for your permission, this is my job and whether you like it or not I am going to work” – I say crossing my arms on top of my breasts

He looks at me and sighs

“He wouldn’t be stupid to try something again” – I say remembering the day before.

“If he looks at you I want you to get Michael and leave that place”

“Fine” – I say giving him a peck on the lips

“I gotta go” – I say and I run towards the door seeing Michael waiting for me. We both go down on the Lift and he smiles at me

“How are you feeling today?”

“I am better thank you for asking, and hey, thanks for yesterday”

“Just doing my job” – he winks at me

We walk into a black SUV and my phone starts ringing. It’s Lucas. Shit

“Good morning Mr. Scott” – I say

“Olivia you are late” – he says

“I am sorry Sir, I am on my way” – I reply trying to keep my shit together

“I want a coffee and a muffin and you have 3 loads of papers to grade, hurry the fuck up”

“Sure Sir” – I Reply

“Douche” – I say after hanging up and Michael laughs

“This is going to be fun” – he says.


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