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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 29

Raphael POV

“You have until the end of the day to decide what you want Raphael, you’re either with me or you’re not. I don’t do half, I don’t share and I definitely won’t hide because you have a reputation to maintain” – Olivia says and doesn’t even give me a chance to talk.

When I get out of the SUV she already disappeared and my heart sinks. This woman is going to be the death of me. My hands start to ache with the need to spank that fabulous ass of hers.

I stand in front of the entrance of the main building from NYU waiting for Olivia to come back to work.

I have my body supported against the wall and I see girls passing and looking at me. If this was one month ago I would’ve grabbed a couple and fucked them inside the SUV, but I can’t now. Olivia would never forgive me.

I see Olivia walking towards me and I know I look pissed off.

She tries to walk past me ignoring me and I grab her arm and pull her towards my body and I bend myself giving her a long and heartfelt kiss. When I stop she looks up at me and smiles

“Let it be the last time you walk away from me” – I say with a low voice

“Or what? You will punish me?” – She asks me with a big smile on her face.

I pull her close again and kiss her, I can hear people whispering and then I heard a photo being taken.

“Mr. Lockwood, is that your girlfriend?”

“Mr. Lockwood, who’s the girl?”

“Mr. Lockwood, give us a smile”

I decided to look at them and hold Olivia next to me when the paparazzi’s stop taking photos I look into her eyes and I whisper “Now the entire world knows you are mine and I am yours, happy?”

Olivia nods her head and smiles at me giving me a soft kiss on the lips

“I have to go back to work” – she says

I nod my head and smile back at her.

I see her moving fast inside and I know she is going to be in trouble. Scott won’t let this go. He wants her and now I claimed her in front of all of NY, in front of all of America.

I walk towards the SUV and message Joseph “I came out with Olivia, I need more security around her, the Russians will try to use her against me”

“No problem boss”

The driver takes me to my office and I deal with douchebags all day. My head is exploding with a migraine but I still need to go sort out some shipments.

The driver takes me to the Underground. On my way inside I take off my blazer and fold my sleeves to my elbows showing off my full sleeves tattoos and take off my ties opening the top two buttons of my white shirt.

“Talk” – I say when I see Michael and Joseph waiting for me

“Boss, the Russians want a meeting”

“They want a meeting? That’s interesting” – I say

“Yeah. They want to meet you in an abandoned factory in Queens”

“That’s a trap” – I say

“It might be, but if you don’t go they will take offense and might do something worse” – Joseph says

“When do they want the meeting?”

“Tomorrow night boss”

“Okay, so here what we are going to do, I want all the men to go do an inspection of the site, I want CCTV cameras installed hidden obviously, and I want 4 men from now securing the place”

Joseph nods his head

“Another thing boss”


“The cops got bitten up badly and we left them the message, one of them though we wanted information and he said Scott pays good money to some NYPD officers every month so he doesn’t have any problems with them”

“Son of a bitch”


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