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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 31

Raphael POV

I drop my gun on the floor and lift my hands showing I was disarmed.

“Raphael, what a pleasure, my name is Julius” – he says extending his hand towards me to shake it. I shake his hand moving my eyes around trying to find my staff and my men, but I can’t see anyone.

“I thought we were meeting tomorrow” – I say

“Yeah, about that, will you miss the men you sent to secure the place?”

My head is spinning. The bastard knew I was sending men there, leaving me with less security. It was an ambush and I can’t do anything.

From the corner of my eye I see Maria, she is hiding through one of our secret passages, you won’t be able to see it unless you know it exists. I sight in relief to know that she is safe but I am still wondering where Olivia could be.

“Shall we have a drink and sit down and talk?” – Julius says and I nod my head.

I start walking towards the bar to grab a bottle of vodka and he laughs, loudly – “where do you think you are going?”

“I am not taking a drink prepared by your men, so I am fixing myself a drink” – I keep walking and as I have my back turned to them they can’t see me blinking an eye to Maria that I know could see me through the mirror. She is inside my safe room behind the bar. And I know she is trying to get hold of someone on the phone to come and help me.

“Fair enough, but you won’t mind one of my men going with you”

“I don’t give a flying fuck about your men Julius” – I say

I grab the bottle and one glass, I pour some vodka inside and some coke with a couple of ice cubes. I walk from behind the bar and sit on my sofa.

I cross my legs and sit comfortably looking at Julius that takes a sit in front of me.

“I am surprised you haven’t asked about your girlfriend yet”

“I know you wouldn’t be stupid enough to hurt Olivia” – I say

“You are right, I won’t hurt her, I just took her as a warranty that we can negotiate a treaty”

“You want a treaty with me? Are you fucking out of your damn mind?” – I say taking a large gulp of my drink.

“No, I am not my father and I don’t have a death wish. I know what he did and I don’t agree with him, His death was, how am I going to say this, a blessing for me”

I lift one of my eyebrows looking at him and I say nothing. I don’t want to give anything away.

“Well, the man was despicable, and I hated him, I had to do as I was told because he raised me to be the next leader of the Russian mafia, but I don’t want to do things the same way as he did, I see a benefit in becoming your ally instead of your enemy”

“What will I get with that?” – I ask taking another sip of my drink and looking around the room at the 5 men pointing guns at me.

“I will help you to get rid of the English, I know they are trying to expand to America” - I have to admit that, that is music to my ears. The Russians end the English, the Spanish have no problems with me. I would be able to live a quiet mafia life without enemies.

“So, you will end them and take their territory leaving America in peace? In case I am at war with someone you will send reinforcement and I will do the same, but there’s one thing, you will need to stop the human trafficking.”

“That brings me a lot of money” – he says thinking about my proposal.

“I don’t do business with human traffickers” – I say


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