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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 32

Olivia POV

I can hear the double door opening and I look, kind of afraid of who it might be, but it was him. It was Raphael. It was MY Raphael.

I started running towards him as if it was a scene from a film and I jump at him making our bodies collide and I wrap my arms around his neck. As if it was an instinct Raphael lifts my body and I wrap my legs around his waist. There was no sexual tension at this point. Just relief, for both of us. Is like I can breathe again.

My head falls into space between his neck and shoulder and I can smell his aftershave. I absolutely love it. Davidoff Champion. That’s his smell and I am sniffing him when I hear him talking.

“Olivia look at me”

I lift my head looking deeply into his blue-sky eyes and my heart skipped a beat. I smile looking at him. His voice comes out almost as in a whisper

“Kiss me woman” – he didn’t need to say it again. My lips collapse on his lips and I feel a soft taste of Vodka. He parts his lips and our tongues met and explore each other. My heart is beating so fast that I think I am going to die.

We stop kissing and he puts me down. I look up at him as his eyes are dark, he is looking at me as if examining my body to see if I am hurt

“Hey. Look at me” – I say holding his chin pointing his face towards mine

“I am okay, no-one touched me, I am okay”

With that, he pulls me into a bear hug and he is hugging me as if his life was depending on it

“I need air” – I say and he let me go.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the lift pressing the Ground floor button and hugged me again. He wasn’t saying anything so I allowed ourselves to go down in silence.

We walk out of the hotel and he opens the car door for me to get in. When I do he walks to the other side and takes the driver seat.

“Is everyone ok?” – I ask

All he does is nod his head. I don’t know what is happening in that head of his but I know he is scared. And he doesn’t want to talk.

Raphael starts driving and I recognize the way we are going, we are going back to our penthouse. I allow myself to relax, no harm had come to me, but I know that Raphael is worried something happened.

We arrive at the penthouse garage and Raphael jus stays sitting, he’s not moving, he’s not even looking at me.

I open the door to get out and that is the first time for the last 35 min that he looks at me.

“We need to talk” – he says and my heart skips a beat. That is the most dreaded sentence someone can say to their girlfriend.

I look at him and his face is not giving anything. He is emotionless.

“Okay” – I say fiddling with my fingers to contain my nervous breakdown.

“I can’t do this”

“What?” - I ask not believing my ears, he can’t be breaking up with me, not after all of this.

“Us, I can’t Olivia” – he says looking deadly serious.

“You have to be kidding me right now” – I say

“No, I can’t be worried about you all the time, I live a dangerous life and I can’t afford to have someone that can be used against me” – I can’t believe he just said that to me.

I just nod my head feeling the tears burn in my eyes. I clean my eyes with the sleeve from his jumper that I am wearing.

“You can stay tonight in the guest room, I will have everything taken to your flat on the upper west side”

I don’t even care he is saying stupid things like I will be moving to the upper west side. He is breaking up with me, I don’t want anything from him.

I get out of the car and I can hear his door closing after I closed mine. I walk towards the lift and I feel my body numb.


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