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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 34

Olivia POV

It’s been two days since Raphael broke up with me, I haven’t left mu flat since then, I have been mourning this relationship that lasted 5 min.

I need to forget him. But obviously, that is not easy when Michael keeps calling me, and showing up at my door. I’ve been avoiding him and that is why I am moving houses. It is decided. I need a new life. I need to forget him and his life, I need to do something for me.

I get up from the bed and walk into the bathroom deciding that I am moving forward, I am not this kind of girl to be crying over a man.

I turn the shower on and I walk in when the water is hot. It burns on my sin but at the same time relaxes my body.

I wash my hair and deep condition it. Shave my legs and after I finish I apply the moisturizer all over my body and I do my facial skin routine. When I am done and ready I get dressed in some loungewear. Nothing better than some cozy leggings, fluffy socks, and an oversized hoodie.

I walk into the kitchen to make some coffee and put some bread on the toaster. First breakfast and then a new job and a new flat.

After I finish breakfast I sit on the sofa with the laptop on my legs and I start looking for a new job. I don’t really want to move out of New York but maybe I will have to. It all depends on what I can find.

I found a flat that is a couple of blocks away from mine, so I message the private owner to book a viewing. It is agreed to be done today at 3 PM. It is only 9 AM. Time to find a new job.

I start scrolling through all the adverts for jobs in my area of expertise and I find a teacher assistant position at Columbia University. That would be great. I send my CV and expect to be called for an interview.

In the meantime I apply for every job I can find, barista, waitress, I need to find something fast as I need to pay rent and I will need to pay moving fees. Hopefully.

The day passes by slowly and I decide to look at my Instagram account and I notice that the number of followers multiplied overnight. And I have more than one hundred comments on my last post. I start reading and some of them are really nice wishing me all the best after the break-up and others are just calling me a gold digger.

I never expected people to look me up on social media after Raphael introduced me to the media. I start to feel bad about the mean comments and I decide to turn my accounts private. Facebook, Instagram is now private. I don’t have to put up with people that know nothing about me and start judging me.

It’s almost time for the viewing of the flat, so I put my converses on. Grab my keys and walk out. I leave my phone inside and turned off. I know that Raphael would be able to track me down through my phone so I decided to leave it off.

When I walk out of the building I crash into someone. Someone tall and with a muscle body. Michael.

“Michael” – I say avoiding eye contact.

“Olivia, I need you to come with me”

“No” – I say and start walking away

“Olivia, please, you know he doesn’t take well the word no”

“I don’t care” – I say while I keep walking and Michael follows me

“Okay, can you please stop? He just wants you safe, I am still your bodyguard and that will never change, Raphael will always take care of you even if you don’t want to”

I interrupt him there – “You can give your boss a message, If he doesn’t stop with this I will ask for a restraining order. From you and him and every single person he puts after me, I want to forget he exists” – I let out

“Olivia, he just wants you to stay in one of his flats, that’s all”

“Thanks but no thanks” – I say and walk away as fast as my legs allow me.

I need to get away from Michael. Once I can’t see him anymore I allow myself to stop walking. I passed the building of the viewing so he wouldn’t see where I was going. I know that eventually, Raphael would be able to find me if he wanted to, but I am not going to make his life easier. I am not taking anything from him. I can take care of myself.

I ring the doorbell and one attractive thirty-something old mem opens the door.


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