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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 33

Raphael POV

I wake up to an empty bed. I panic for a minute trying to figure out where Olivia is, and then it hit me, I broke up with her last night. I can feel my chest get tight and I can feel my anxiety start to take over my body. At that same time, I start to take deep breathes and play with my fingers, I start to remember all the tricks to soother my anxiety and avoid a panic attack. After I calm down I look around and I can’t remember getting into my bedroom, let alone undress and get into bed. But well fuck it, If I’m there it’s because I dragged my ass to bed.

My brain just clicks and I remember Olivia sleeping in the guest room. I miss her already but this life is too dangerous for her. She is too precious for this. I can’t risk it. Yesterday was the proof I needed to know that I would do whatever it took to get her back home safe. If Julius asked me to give him my territory so I could keep Olivia safe I would have.

I get out of bed and walk towards the bathroom, I look at myself in the mirror and I don’t recognize the image I am looking at. I have dark circles around my eyes and I am pale, I have a horrible hangover and I miss Olivia.

After I am done in the bathroom and having a shower I get dressed with a set of back Nike tracksuit and I walk towards the guest room. I need to see if Olivia is okay.

The moment I step outside my room I see Michal sitting on the floor.

“What happened?” – I ask

“Olivia boss, she left”

“She what? When?”

“Around 4 hours ago, one of the guards I assign to her protection followed her, she grabbed a taxi and went to Brooklyn”

“Is she for real? I said I wanted her on the Upper west side flat” – I let out in frustration.

“Yeah boss, apparently Olivia was really upset when she left, and right after she got to her flat a man arrived and went in”

“WHAT MEN?” – I ask, if it is Scott I will rip his head off of his neck.

“Her best friend boss” – okay I say, keep me informed and get the flat ready for her. She will fucking move into that flat.

I walk to the kitchen to find Tammy in a good mood. That is a fucking first. That girl is always moody

“Good morning boss, sleep well?” – she says

“Fuck off” – I reply to see Maria looking at me with sad eyes.

“Sorry” – I whisper in her ear after I place a soft kiss on her forehead.

“Are you okay son?”

“I will be, I will be” – I say, don’t know if trying to convince her or me.

“Good morning” – I hear Joseph coming in while I take a seat on the kitchen island.

“Raph, you need to give a press conference, everyone is talking about Olivia”

“Fuck” – I say.

“Language” – Maria tells me off.

I give her an apologetic smile and I grab my coffee walking towards my office. I can hear Joseph following me

“Close the door” – I say while I take a seat.

“Now, are you okay?” – he asks me

“No I am not okay, that woman fucked me up big time” – I say

“I am sorry Raph, I honestly thought she would be good for you, and I thought we would be able to keep her safe”

I shake my head in disapproove.

“Get someone to do a press conference. Tell them to respect our privacy especially Olivia’s”

“Sure, what reason do we give them?”

“Give them nothing” – I say.

“Okay, now we need to talk about your meeting with Julius yesterday”

“Hell. He will take care of the British for us, he wants to be our ally”

“Do you believe him?”

“Fuck no, but have you ever heard that saying? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?, that’s what I am doing, keeping them closer, I need to be able to know what they are doing 24/7”

“You’re right” – Joseph says

“You should take some time off, relax, and maybe go visit your mother?”


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