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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 8

Olivia POV

I wake up with my phone ringing “fuck me sideways” – I whisper grabbing my phone with my eyes still closed.

“This better be a life or death situation” – I moan answering the phone thinking it will be either Anna or John as they are the only ones that would call me on a Saturday morning.

“Olivia? Sorry, did I wake you up?” – I hear Lucas’s voice on the other side and I blink twice to wake myself up.

Shit I stiff up and sit on the bed “Lucas, Hi, I’m sorry for what I said, Can I help you with something?”

“I just got an e-mail from the headmaster and from the head of the department that they expect us both at the Gala tonight”

“I’m sorry, I think I heard you wrong, they want ME at the gala?”

“Yes” he says “I am sorry Liv”

“B-but I don’t have anything to wear to a Gala” – I sight

“I’ll send you my stylist to help you get something”

“Oh, no that’s not necessary” – I say in a shy tone of voice

“Please Liv, let me do this for you, you’re going to have to go to a Gala tonight because of me, so please let me give you a dress” – he says with hope on his voice

“In one condition” – I reply

“Name it”

“I will pay you back every month, I will give you some money towards the dress, let’s say it is a loan”

“But I really don’t mind”

“It is the only way I am accepting your help”

“Fine, meet Tasha at Versace on the 5th avenue in one hour” – he says with a cheerful voice.

“I can’t make it in one hour, can it be in 2? I need a shower and takes me some time to get to Manhattan”

“Ok he says, I will pick you up later at 8, be ready” - and with that he hangs up

“Have a good day to you too, you ass” – I moan looking at my phone.

I get up looking at the time 12:25 – I could’ve slept all day, but no, my boss decided that I had to go to the fucking gala meet people I will never see again and look pretty, don’t get me wrong, I am excited for the dress, I never owned a Versace before. Scratch that, I’ve never been inside Versace before.

I walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower while brushing my teeth, when I finish I get in the shower and use my body scrub from Lush, it smells amazing, after that I wash my hair and my body singing in the shower to some Ed Sheeran.

When I finish I wrap a towel around my hair and another one around my body. I apply my Ordinary face treatments and then I apply my body lotion. Luckily I am not a hairy person so I shaved my legs a couple of days before not needing to do it again.

I walk into my room grabbing a pair of thongs that were in the laundry basket and a lace bra, they matched perfectly.

I put on a pair of skinny jeans and a light pink shirt buttoning it leaving a couple of buttons opened.

I put a pair of stilettos on and walk back to the bathroom brushing my hair back into a long ponytail. I don’t bother with makeup as I will have to wear some later, I spray my coconut body spray and I grab my purse leaving the flat running to the subway.

The ride on the subway is peaceful and I think about Raphael. I shake my head trying to avoid thinking of him. I look at my phone and I have 15 min to get there and not be late.

I text my mother wishing her a good day saying I would call her later on so we can talk a little, I miss my parents.

I get out the subway and walk towards Versace, I stop at the door and a “wow” forms in my mouth.

I see someone waving at me, she has long blonde hair and mesmerising brown eyes, she’s got an amazing body and I wish I was tall and beautiful like her.

“Hello, you must be Olivia”

“Hi” – I smile – “you must be Tasha” – I give her my hand to shake and she shakes her head and hugs me taking me by surprise

“Now I see why Lucas asked me to help, you are gorgeous and you have a stunning body, we need to find something to make those curves and eyes pop” – she says making me blush

“Where do we start?”

“Go and have a look around and grab all the dresses you want to try on and meet me in 15 min here to try them on”. She says turning her heels and looking over for dresses talking to the shop assistant.

I walk towards a green jungle print long dress and my eyes pop. I look at the price and I let a gasp come out, almost 5.000 dollars. So I walk away day dreaming about that dress.

I grab a couple of the cheapest dressed I could find, not really liking them as much as I likes that jungle print one.

I walk towards Tasha and she sights, shaking her head to my options.

“Girl, we need something better, we need something like that” and her eyes drift towards my beloved dress pointing

“We need that one on a size 16” she says to the assistant that frowns.

“I don’t know if I have it on a size 16” – she says

“Go and have a look then” – Tasha replies.

I start to feel uncomfortable and self-conscious about my body shape, I am not skinny like the woman that shop here that are sizes 2. I look at the floor biting my lips allowing all of my insecurities come to surface.

The assistant brings the dress and my eyes shine looking at it

“Go on, go try it on” – Tasha smacks my ass making me jump a little.

I smile and walk into the changing room.


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