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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 9

Raphael POV

I see Lucas’s arm around Olivia’s waist and all I want to do is grab my gun that is on the back of my trousers and put a bullet on his head for touching what’s mine.

I see Olivia and Lucas walk inside and I notice Karkov looking towards Olivia because he notices the way I was looking at her and how I clenched my fists. Her green and gold dress showing one of her legs while she walked was calling the attention of every man in this place. Just what I needed, every fucking men looking at the woman I want to fuck.

I see his eyes shine like if he was looking at a brand new toy. His eyes travel to me and he gives me a dirty smile, I walk towards him followed by Joseph and Leandro.

“Don’t fucking think about it” – I say to him

“She’s one fine piece of ass” – he says with a dirty smile.

“She’s MINE” – I growl

“Oh, Raphael, seems like she didn’t get the memo, walking in another guys arms”

“I said she is MINE” – I tell him getting closer to his face towering him

“Yeah yeah, let’s see who she wants to fuck her then” – he smiles and walks inside.

I feel my body getting tense, this is going to be a fucked up night.

I see her talking to a group of people when I walk in, she is smiling and holding Lucas’s hand on hers. My body goes into frenzy and I walk towards them.

“Good evening Scott, Miss Black” - I Nod my head

“Lockwood” – Lucas replies with a nod and extending his hand for a shake, I ignore him and I hear her voice.

“Hi” she replies coyly, she can feel my eyes burning her soul, her green eyes that match her dress perfectly look at the floor and as if instinct I grab her chin bringing her head up so she can look into my eyes.

As if fate someone approaches Lucas and asks for his attention to introduce him to someone, I didn’t pay attention to the conversation

“Are you coming?” – He says to Olivia

“No” – I answer before she has a chance to reply – “I’ll keep her company Scott” – giving him a smile, I know he doesn’t want to cause a scene so he squeezes her hand and leaves, leaving me alone with her.

“May I have this dance?” – I give her my hand and she takes it, giving me electric shocks and I feel my body react to her touch straight away.

I take her to the dance floor and put both my hands on her lower back while she stretches her arms and crosses her fingers behind my neck.

I can feel my body stiffen up with her face touching my chest, she is so small compared to me, she fits perfectly in my arms and I want her, no I don’t want her, I need her, but at the same time I retract myself because this is all insane and she should just be a fuck.

“Are you fucking him?” – I ask not being able to contain my curiosity.

I hear her gasp and I feel her head turn up to look at me

“No, he is my boss” – she says

“He wants to fuck you” – I say on a low tone

She smiles looking into my eyes blinking seductively.

“Does that upset you?” – She asks

“You are playing with fire little one, and you know what people say about playing with fire, and if you are trying to make me jealous, give up” I take a deep breath feeling her scent – “I don’t want you to get burned”

“You know what? I’m going to go look for Lucas and maybe take him to the bathroom and suck him off” – she spits with spite on her voice.

I hold her tight against my body so she can feel my erection that decided to grace myself with its presence against her

“Don’t you fucking dare, you are mine, if you want to suck someone off it’s me you are sucking” – I say against her ear.

I feel her trying to push me away and I keep a hold of her

“Let me go Raphael” – she puts both her hands against my chest trying to get away from my grip.


“I said let me fucking go Raphael”

I let go of her and I see her storm off near Lucas, looking at me in defiance.

Oh fuck me sideways how I want to put her on my knees and smack that ass till she asks for forgiveness.

I keep my eyes opened to see what Karkov is doing and I see him talking to a woman in a white dress, she is all over him, apparently that fucktard is good looking to some woman.

I have some small talk with some people, I go to the bar to grab myself a drink, when I turn back I can’t see Olivia next to Lucas, my eyes look for Karkov and I can’t find him either. I feel my body getting tense and I let my glass at the bar grabbing my phone and calling Joseph.

“Do you have eyes on him?”

“No boss, we lost him”

“Fuck, where is he?” – I start walking around all the big rooms full of people and I can’t find him.

“Find him” – I bark hanging up the phone and shoving it in my pocket.

I walk towards Lucas with steady and long passes, ignoring everyone around that tried to talk to me.

“Scott, where is she?”

“Why the fuck would I tell you where my date is?”

I get closer to him closing my fists inside my trousers pockets, I can’t let anyone see how pissed off I am. They might use it against me.

“Don’t test my fucking patience Scott, where is she?”

He growls “she went to the bathroom”

I walk straight to the ladies room to find the door locked.

I knock strongly at the door “Olivia open the door”

No answer


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