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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 31

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 31 by desirenovel


I sauntered out of the king’s chamber as fast as my shaking legs could take me. I could feel the moistness of my underwear as I walked. It was uncomfortable. It was awkward. It literally felt like I just stuffed a soaked roll of tissue in between my thighs with how crazily wet it felt down there.

Elijah for sure noticed my discomfort and the wet spot on my dress. I didn’t care to cover it up. At that moment, I was too conscious of the king’s presence; too shaken up with what he had just done and what I had actually allowed him to do.

One moment, we were discussing how to rid us of the mark and another moment, he was sniffing me out, gradually licking the outer layer of my underwear and eventually sucking my clit despite the obstruction, and I just lay there whimpering and enjoying his treatment.

Oh god…

Yes, it was a euphoric moment, granted it was my first time to be ever done so by a man; but I also would like to credit the king’s skills with his mouth. He was confident; unashamed. His tongue licked me like I was the best damn ice cream in his kingdom. I’m unsure even if they have this coldly sweet food in here.

As crazy as it sounded, I would have given in to his ministrations; would have given in to the sensations if it wasn’t for the interruption.

I was thankful for the crown prince though. It was both our wake up call. We were both horny, I knew that now, but that didn’t mean I was going to offer myself up easily and be dined by a werewolf king who had long time hated women.

Whatever happened to him earlier, I was sure he was not in his right mind. Or if he was in his right mind, he could just be acting. I don’t know… I couldn’t say. This man was as complicated as the DNA structure of the human body.

Before facing Rhea, I took a deep breath to calm the erratic beating of my heart. My arousal was still there; my clit was still swelling with the need to be sucked harder and my core still aching to be filled by something hard and long, but I had to control it; forget about it, else I’d turn myself into a fool in front of my new-found friend.

“How are you, Your Highness?” Rhea, with her elegant charm, smiled at me. Standing near a stone statue of a wolf in a full howl, she waited as I neared her.

I gave her a lopsided smile then.

“Really? Are you going to call me ‘that’ now?”

She grinned and pointed her eyes to every corner of the grand hallway. “Well, we’re in your palace so yeah.”

I shook my head. “Seriously, I prefer to be called by my name. ‘Your Highness’ just sounds so…flashy.”

I grabbed her arm and pulled her for an embrace. “Great to see you here, Rhea.”

She patted my back and whispered, “Thank you for keeping your word, Serena.”

As we withdrew, I sighed and smiled at her again. “I only provided a way out, it was you who took the initiative to leave the place.”

My clear memory of her stepping up in the presence of Lord Hale and saving herself was something to be admired about. I guess Elijah felt the same way for he was quick to offer her salvation.

“I’m worried about the others though,” I expressed, lowering my vision to the floor. There were still so many women to be saved; so many who were scared and hoping for a miracle. I couldn’t help but think I could have rescued them if I wasn’t incapacitated. The King of Phanteon was already there. Surely, he could be persuaded to take them too.

‘Oh no, don’t get your hopes up,’ my mind pointed out. Well, yes, maybe I was barking at the wrong tree. King Aero, knowing him now, would never do that.

“Unfortunately, while you were ill, almost all of them were already persuaded,” Rhea declared, cutting my train of thought. A pang of disappointment passed through me. I guess that’s the end of my self-imposed mission.

“Seeing as how quickly the vampires in the castle were working, I immediately volunteered to take care of you. That way, I could avoid them,” she added.


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