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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 32

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 32 by desirenovel


Trying to understand Rhea’s words, I recollected everything I experienced so far, and yeah, somehow, not all were bad.

“True, this place is different than ours,” I started when I faced her. “It is attractive…”

‘Not to mention the king,’ my mind pitched in. I inwardly groaned. Of all the things to highlight, why him?

Then I remembered one basic fact Rhea might not have known.

“If…if you want to stay, I think you can, but a word of advise, know first what kind of people you are dealing with,” I stated vaguely. If I tell her head-on that this kingdom’s people including their rulers were werewolves, she’d probably think me crazy.

A small curve on her lip appeared and then I saw an undeniable recognition in her eyes.

“I know what you’re trying to say, Serena. I know already what they are. They are werewolves.”

My mouth gaped and I blinked many times.

“Wow, that fast?” I muttered.

She nodded and another blush, this time clearer, appeared on her cheeks.

“The crown prince…uhm…showed me.”

Her eyes moved everywhere except in my direction. She looked shy and cute, and quite frankly, a bit turned on judging from the look on her face—biting her lip and all.

“O…kay, I’ll leave the details for you to keep,” I sensitively stated. Although I was super curious, whatever happened to them when leaving the vampire realm was theirs to keep. I wouldn’t want to pry on their privacy as much as I didn’t want her to pry on mine.

“Don’t you want to stay here too? I mean, Earth is still our home, but you’re the queen of this kingdom, wouldn’t you want to spend your time here to get to know your people more? Think of it as a vacation,” she advised, her eyes full of enthusiasm.

I sighed and lowered my chin.

“I’ll think about it, Rhea. It’s…it’s complicated for now,” I stated, thinking of the one man that was the cause of the complication.

She nodded and took my hand. “I understand, but if you change your mind, let me know. Let’s explore this world together.”

I squeezed back her hands.

“How about we explore this castle first?” I offered, looking at her with beaming eyes. To tour the castle with someone who hadn’t also been in the place would be a challenge I know but it would also be fun.

“That’s a great idea,” she giggled and happily turned towards the door.

Rhea and I used the most of the day walking, talking and carelessly opening doors in every room we pass by inside the castle. We looked like kids exploring with not a care in the world if our mothers were looking for us. We giggled and laughed and our voices were all over the hallways.

Stationary soldiers we happen to come in contact with would react in a very funny but sweet way. They’d look surprised at first, blush next, and quickly pull themselves down the floor to attempt a perfect bow. Rhea would wink at me and pucker her lips, teasing me to give them poor soldiers a blessing. I’d quickly shake my head and control my laughter. No way would I act like the pope over these men even if I so wanted to.

When we reached an open walkway at the very top of the castle, we stopped and took the whole scenery in. The Kingdom of Phanteon was indeed grand. As far as my eyes could reach me, there was lush greenery all around, mountains, lakes, and groups of towns vibrant with colors on their roofs. There were high towers I counted down to ten guarding the castle and the castle itself was surrounded with tall walls. The gardens below were magnificent, the choices of plants and its landscaping were the same. A thick gate made of what looked like iron guarded the entry. The emblem of the kingdom was on it on both sides.

I watched completely awed by the world around us. ‘The queen… I’m the queen of this kingdom,’ my mind chanted, ‘and my husband is the king and has been doing a perfect job on it.’ Would it be wise to fool the people of this world? Wouldn’t I feel guilty about it? Could I meet their expectations? Questions slowly ate me.


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