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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 41

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 41 by desirenovel


I wasn’t sure where we were going with our conversation, but I was pumped up to make him see I wasn’t just any woman he could discriminate.

Sure I got moments of quivering lips and weak knees whenever he was close by and I couldn’t deny the inexplicable attraction I had towards him, but my will power was strong enough to see past those obstacles. Well, at least for the time being… He was a damn fine man after all and god, thanks to my sexual dreams, I had already admitted to myself I was horny for him.

Anyway, what I said to him was true. I will be on top of him soon, in one way or another…

He responded to my statement with an amused expression on his face. “You’re acting like a luna,” he said. “I’m not sure whether to be proud of it or angry.”

I finally heard that word from his mouth.

A luna.

Prince Elijah mentioned it. I heard it from Lord Hale too. And now, him.

From my understanding of the overused characteristics of werewolves in Hollywood movies, a luna was one female wolf who held a unique power, an undeniable charisma, and a strong influence among her subordinates. She ruled equal to her alpha; with an iron fist but with the softest and loving heart.

I couldn’t be sure if I was fit for this position. I couldn’t even transform into a wolf. I was a human through and through.

I was unsure how to react to his statement, so I just kept myself silent.

Seconds later, however, the atmosphere of the room changed. I found myself surrounded in the cold darkness. The king’s weight was still on me, I could still feel it, but I felt detached from my surroundings.

Then, I saw something out of the corner of my eyes: something beautiful, something flashy. It was shaped like a bug: a cross between a butterfly and a spider. Its rainbow colors popped, breaking the seemingly endless shade of black around me.

My eyes widened. A bright white light suddenly enveloped me and the next thing I knew, a splitting headache filled me nonstop.

Returning back to reality, I found myself looking at the king in pain. “My head. It hurts,” I whimpered.

He appeared to be worried for me, something that I never expected he would. “I’ll get some medicine,” that’s what he said, but I doubt that would help at all.

“Ahhh!” I cried out when another wave of ache started on my temporal, then running along my nape. The pain was so intense I had to double over. Another bright white light filled my vision. I honestly thought I had turned blind because of it.

Tears started to run down my cheeks. I wasn’t able to stop it until finally, my body hit the mattress, my mind slowly turning blank…

Once I was conscious, I saw Rhea and Prince Elijah standing not far away from my bed. They were silently conversing and holding hands, lovingly might I add. The prince was quick with courting her it seems.

Prince Elijah was the first to notice me awake. Then, Rhea turned around to look at me.

“Serena!” she cried, showing a relieved smile. “You’re finally awake!” She approached me and touched my arm in a sisterly fashion.

“Was I out that long?” I asked, no clue at all if I slept a day or more. I sat up and propped myself against two thick pillows.

She shook her head. “No, it’s morning now. Ten to be exact. The Healers came here last night. They said you passed out.”

“Oh, I see…” I murmured, looking down and observing a large bowl and used towels placed on my bedside table.

‘I passed out,’ my mind processed. Remembering what took place before that–with the king on top me and his hard member poking my abdomen–I was under his mercy. Who knows what could have happened then…

“Thank you for taking care of me, Rhea,” I stated, giving her a soft smile.

“Hm?” she looked lost for a moment, blinked fast, and then smiled. “Oh no, I just arrived here thirty minutes ago, Serena. It was the king who took care of you before I arrived. I heard from the Healers he stayed by your side the whole time they healed you.”

I was taken aback. The king did that? Really? I had no memory after losing consciousness. The only thing that stuck to my brain was the white heat inside me and the warmth around my hand.

“So…uhm where is he now?” I asked, curious. I certainly wanted to meet his eye when I tease him for taking care of me. He must be out of his mind that time, or maybe he pitied me while in pain.

“He had to go to the realm of the faes, Your Highness. It’s an urgent meeting that needed his presence,” Prince Elijah stepped in to answer. He wore his royal robe and accented his ensemble with a thick platinum necklace. Standing next to Rhea, gosh, they indeed looked good together. I was happy for them.

“I see,” I murmured in response, rerouting my sight on my bedsheet.

“What happened to you last night? You received too much affection from my brother?” he continued.

I cast a look at him and found him already smirking mischievously.

“Ah, no, I had a really painful headache,” I reasoned in haste.

“How are you feeling right now? Is the headache gone?” Rhea interrupted, looking at me still with worry.

I gave her a reassuring smile.

“There’s still a bit of throbbing left but I can manage.”

She pulled something out of her skirt’s pocket and handed it to me. It was a small box filled with white capsules and it weirdly resembled Tylenol purchased on Earth.

“Margaret said to take two if the headache returns,” she stated.

“Thanks. Who’s Margaret by the way?”

“The leader of the Healer Pack. She’s the sister of General Halcynos,” Prince Elijah answered.

If my memory serves me well, General Halcynos was the leader of the army pack. But what was that pack called again?

Alchidna, yes.

“Oh…then maybe I should thank her for their services,” I said, about to stand up.

The prince quickly stopped me, raising his hand in between us.

“When you’re well, you can do that, Queen Serena. My brother specifically said to keep you here until you recover.”

I narrowed my eyes at him and put on my intimidating but teasing face whilst straightening my spine.

“I have recovered, see?”

I swept my hair to the side and raised both of my arms sideways for his inspection.

“Yes…” he murmured, suddenly looking straight to my uncovered shoulder, “it’s visible…”

“What are you…” I frowned and followed his gaze. My brows arched up that instant. “Ohh…” Then, heat emerged on my cheeks.

“This is nothing,” I stated, quickly covering it with my hair again. I had actually forgotten about this…bruise, or teeth markings whatever it’s called. I first saw this last night when I took a bath and immediately linked it with the king’s actions back in that hidden room.

‘Did he intentionally leave this on me? Or was it just because of the heat of the moment that’s why he did so?’ I wondered to myself whilst sighing in defeat. I might probably never know the answer.

“Don’t hide it, Your Highness,” Prince Elijah stated, shaking his head. “There’s nothing wrong with a hickey that came from the king.”

And just like that, he used a crude, obvious word–a damn hickey–and everybody could see it a mile away whether I admit it or not.


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