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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 42

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 42 by desirenovel

Rhea and Prince Elijah decided to remain in the waiting room while I went inside the birthing room with Margaret. She gave me a mask beforehand, to cover my mouth; stated that it was for my welfare as the smell of blood inside the room tended to be strong. I just nodded, but truth be told, I already knew what a standard situation inside a birthing room looked like.

Back in my college days, I volunteered in a lot of medical outreach programs. I wasn’t practicing any medical profession really. I just had this strong urge to help out those sick and bedridden.

“Hi,” I greeted coupled with a soft wave of my hand once I stepped inside the theater. Sensibly, I distanced myself from the sterile area of the room, but it was enough for the pregnant woman named Theya to see me.

“You—r, Your High—ness?!” she gasped. Even under labor she actually showed raw surprise on my visit.

As if it didn’t give her pain, she quickly attempted to sit up.

“No, please, don’t move.” In haste, I cried out, waving my hand at her.

“I’m honored…to have you in my…giving birth, Your…Highness,” she huffed, sweating and turning pale from the pain she was feeling.

I slightly tipped my head. “The honor is mine, Theya. Uhm, is he or she, your firstborn?”

She grimaced but appeared enthusiastic to answer me.

“My firstborn, Your Highness. She’s my…precious princess.”

“Push, Theya, push!” Margaret shouted. She readied herself, palms up, to receive the babe. I realized then that the women here in this realm give birth in a similar fashion as the women on Earth. Nothing was out of the ordinary.

Theya did as instructed. I remained silent then and witnessed a miracle happening in front of me. Finally, after three more pushes, the babe came out. She looked beautiful and precious and so much like a human. She didn’t have one bit of fur on her or a tail. I was crazy to even think that.

Shouts of jubilee filled the room. Everyone was smiling. I released a sigh of relief. That was an intense scene to watch. Luckily, I wasn’t squeamish.

Still fresh with the mother’s blood and the placenta’s fluids, the babe was wrapped up with white linen and was given to the mother.

“Please give me your approval, Your Highness,” Theya looked at me again, her eyes dancing with happiness. “I want to name her, Serena.”

My mouth dropped. What great honor it was.

“I don’t think…” I started, hesitant at first, but then I saw the positive anticipation of the women in front of me, “I don’t think I’m worthy of such recognition, but yes, of course, you may name her Serena, Theya.”

Everyone clapped their hands and cheered.

“Thank you, Your Highness,” Theya stated weakly.

My heart swelled.

“And as my first act as queen and my gift to your adorable daughter, I shall declare this day as a royal day. All babies born this day get to celebrate their birthdays inside the castle for as long as they want,” I stated. Being a lover of Fantasy-related themes, it was always my wish to spend my birthday inside a castle. Now, I was going to make that a reality to these cherubs.

Fuck the king if he complains about it.

“Oh my, thank you, Your Highness! Little Serena would be so happy!” Theya cried out. The other healers heard this and quickly relayed this news to the other mothers inside the labor room. It was sweet to watch.

“I’m sure she will,” I flashed a big smile.

We left the birthing house an hour later with me in a great mood. I certainly felt the bond of the women there. It was genuine, not forced, and certainly, unconditional. I felt their warm welcome. I felt their precious smiles. And I also felt they were desperate for a real change in their kingdom, something that meant a change in King Aero’s view of women. Right then and there, I figured it was my mission to make that possible. At least, if I couldn’t give them an heir, I could leave them a king that didn’t hate women anymore.

Knowing King Aero, it would be difficult but…yes, not impossible.

“Can I pass by the square before we reach our destination?” I asked, looking at Prince Elijah once he entered the coach.

“You wanted to buy something there?” he lifted a brow.

“Maybe,” I answered, but then shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know. I just wanted to visit Palmeeya’s town square up close.”

Near me, Rhea nodded, agreeing with my request.

“Oh yeah, since you became queen you haven’t toured the whole kingdom right?” the Prince stated.


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