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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 43

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 43 by desirenovel

The Baltic Meadows.

I imagined it to be like those places on Earth where the grass stretched as far as the eyes could see, its flora a variety of colors, clear blue skies, and fresh air. When we arrived, I found that it was exactly what I imagined it to be and more. So much more.

Instead of plain green grass, the meadow here had a metallic attribute. When my heeled shoes touched the ground, it emitted a shimmering rainbow color, spreading around me and gradually fading. For a moment, I really thought I was in dreamland until I touched the grass and found it was real and as solid as my body.

The air was clean and slightly cold despite the glaring sun—the sun that actually had light blue halos around it. This was a key reminder I wasn’t on Earth anymore.

Facing north, I could only see hills upon hills of meadows. Turning west, the meadow broke and revealed snowy mountains. In the south, it exhibited rocky terrain, a little greenery, and a narrow road that we just traversed.

Looking at the east, the meadow disappeared into a thick forest; a variety of trees could be seen that closely resembled pine, mahogany, and sycamore on Earth. Some trees jutted out from the border of the forest shading a clearing. This was where our lunch was conveniently set-up.

“I hope you enjoy your meal with this view, ladies,” Prince Elijah informed, a proud grin appearing on his lips.

Rhea and I smiled.

He offered an elbow to her and she held it without hesitation. They threaded through the meadow with me behind them this time. I was left on my own, out of place, and yeah, lonely, but I didn’t mind at all.

I was cool with it. This way I got to admire the place all the more.

“Is this area still part of Phanteon too?” I asked once we arrived in the shaded area. Here, the air was cooler and the view was even better, boasting a different angle of the meadows and the mountains.

Prince Elijah, as expected of him, executed a gentlemanly gesture. He pulled Rhea’s chair first and allowed her to sit on it before looking at me.

“Yes,” he said in a heartbeat, but then, he paused and considered something. “Well, sort of,” he continued. “This is a border actually between Phanteon and Ehnrelil, Queen Serena.”

“Ehnrelil?” My forehead creased.

“The realm of the faes. That is why the meadow here has a magical quality to it.”

Wow. Inside, my heart was jumping. Faes…fairies…they are real!

“So I take it we could easily cross to that realm if we want to?” I rushed to say whilst sitting on my seat.

I genuinely wanted to know not only because I was an avid fan of Fantasy, but because it concerned me and my pending return to Earth.

Prince Elijah somehow chuckled at my question.

“Ah no, it doesn’t work like that, Queen Serena.”

He rounded the table and pulled back his own chair on Rhea’s left.

“Aside from a few individuals who had the ability to realm hop, like my brother as you may know now, we have guardians for the job. With their permission, they could open a portal to let you in and out of the realms.”

“Like Farryl and Kerus?” I asked abruptly.

Sitting down and facing me, he appeared surprised all of a sudden.

“Where did you learn those names?” he asked; his shoulders stiffening.

I remembered my time in the vampire realm and answered him without hesitation, “I happen to overhear them in a conversation when I was in Lord Hale’s residence.”

He relaxed and leaned back against his chair.

“Kerus is the guardian of the vampire realm, the Kingdom of Viacronis. He is a reasonable man, but my brother and I tend to be wary of him.”

The servants started coming with hot plates of food of different kinds and cold bubbling drinks in a slender glass. Prince Elijah didn’t mind the nuisance and just continued.

“Farryl is the guardian of the werewolf realm—our realm. Since my brother hated women, she avoids him and in effect, dislikes him too. She doesn’t really help much in the kingdom except on a few trades with the other realms.”

“Could I meet this Farryl one day?” I asked in a heartbeat.

Prince Elijah leaned in and narrowed his eyes at me.

“To tell you honestly, I actually expected she had already introduced herself to you considering the mysterious circumstances of your appearance in our realm. She actually didn’t?”

“No,” I hurried to say, and then blinked, wondering the question myself too. “Well, none that I’m aware of.”


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