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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 49

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 49 by desirenovel


I kept my cool. I kept myself as accommodating as I could despite all the people surrounding me asking for my advice, for my supervision, and for simply my presence. With their king and prince both absent, they needed another royal to guide them and despite me being fake, I was the closest fit for the position.

As a result, I received many praises from the victims and the Alphas alike the entire course of the day. I appreciated it, but what I really cared about was their happy faces and the light of hope in their eyes.

I got those when the king and I delivered the last batch of fire victims to their quarters. They were my validation that I did my job right as a queen.

Now, with me alone with the king—riding him even—I finally had ample time to think how grateful I was with his presence.

Honestly speaking, I never expected for him to help me or even to return so early from his meeting. I thought the meeting would span for days or that he would take his time there. Surely, he preferred to deal with faes than to deal with his wife. However, he was here and had willingly helped me even. That alone touched a string in my heart.

The fact that he also let me ride his wolf confounded me. I had not thought that this could actually happen during my stay here. As a member of the opposite sex, he had always given me a cold shoulder. He never showed his kind side. His words were either rude or frank. So, what changed? Why did he let me ride him? I honestly wanted to know the reason, but until then, I’d like to boldly think he was slowly warming up to me.

During our travel back to the north wing, I remained silent and just enjoyed the feel of his magnificent wolf: the silky, smooth fur, the strength and tautness of its muscles, and the calm rise and fall of its massive chest. Fear was nonexistent. All I felt towards him was pure admiration.

When we arrived at the north entrance, I released a long sigh. Truth be told, I didn’t want this moment to end, but like all other good things, it had an expiration date.

I planned to thank him once I get my foot on the ground, but then out-of-the-blue, King Aero stood up. I hastily grabbed his fur and shouted at him in response.

“Wait, Your Majesty! Do you want me to fall down?”

Instead of answering, he started to run and run, aiming for the castle gate.

“Where are you taking me?!” I gasped, my head spinning as to why he was doing this. His speed increased and I was left tightly holding onto his neck the whole ride.

It was a cold night, but luckily, his body heat warmed me just right. The wind played with my long hair as he continued onward. I took this opportunity to view the lands that he passed. First was the town of Cirelles in its sleepy state. There were some lights on the streets, but generally, the whole town was dark. The same went to the next lands we passed: a second town, fields and fields, and yeah, more fields. Then, we passed hills, jumped over rocks and trees, and gorges. Then, suddenly, he stopped.

Sensing this, I looked up and found we were in a valley surrounded by mist. But no, I take that back. Not mist, but steam. Actual steam rising from what looked like small pockets of water. It was everywhere. In different sizes and different shapes. Some interconnected turning into small waterfalls and some were solitary.

Hot springs? my mind asked. There were hot springs in Phanteon too? With this revelation, I couldn’t keep myself from grinning. I had been to hot springs on Earth too and all of them left me and my adopted family good memories.

King Aero neared a spot with a cavernous ceiling and side to side rocky walls. Inside, it boasted a pool big enough for ten people to bathe and with its own mini waterfall. I wasn’t sure he chose this because it offered some privacy, but it relieved me.

The water was so clear I could literally see its crystallized floor—a floor that seemed to glow with neon purple. The ground around it had flat rocks and smooth pebbles. Some parts were covered with moss appearing like cotton, and some were covered with shimmering white sand.

He stooped low and allowed me to climbed down.

“Thanks,” I said and stared at his big, golden-greenish eyes. Somehow, when he changes to a wolf, this faculty of his changes color too. Cool. “Why did you bring me here?”

He transformed back to his human form first before answering. I had hoped just like William, he would be dressed after the transformation, and to my complete relief, he was.

“Look at yourself,” he gave me a once-over before making a disgusted face. “You look like hell.”

Now, that was rude.

I arched my brows and tipped my head to the side.”What do you mean?” I asked. “I look perfectly fine.”

He chuckled darkly and shook his head. “You’re dirty, Serena, and you reek of all kinds of smell. I don’t want you desecrating the castle’s cleanliness, so I suggest you take a bath in the hot spring first before entering the castle.”

“Oh…” I murmured and decided to examine myself. My mouth dropped then when I saw his point. I truly looked like hell, but in my defense, I wasn’t able to take care of myself since this morning.

I sighed and accepted his offer. “Fine, I’ll bathe.”

He turned his back to me and said, “I won’t peek so do your thing now. I don’t want to stay here for longer than an hour.”

I giggled inside as I stared at his broad back. A month ago, he cared less of my privacy in that pool of his in the manor and even went as far as to strip himself in my front. Now, he was being considerate and that was good news for me and definitely, for Elijah.

Even if it’s just a tiny possibility, I’d like to consider this as the second sign of him gradually changing.

“Although I don’t see the rationale of bathing when I didn’t bring fresh, clean clothes—” I said but was quickly cut off.

“You’re complaining too much,” he snapped but unbuttoned his shirt he did and tossed it to me. “Use that temporarily.”

This was my third sign. Dear God, can a woman dare hope for more?

“Thank you,” I said, wanting to hug him, touch his deliciously-sculpted traps and deltoids and those tempting back dimples, but refrained, albeit with struggle. Instead, I just bit my bottom lip as I started undressing.

Soon enough, I was butt-naked inside the pool. His white shirt, I thoughtfully placed on a marble-looking boulder just within my reach.

Feeling too exposed for my liking, I decided to submerge my body up to my neck, but this side of the pool was about three feet only, so I had to sit down in order to do that.

The water felt good on my skin. Instantly, I felt rejuvenated from the tiredness of today. I had planned to soak myself in my bathtub inside my chamber, but this here was also a very welcomed change.


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