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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 50

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 50 by desirenovel


The moment I arrived in the hot springs of Mount Thersa, that’s when I realized I made a mistake. Over the dark horizon, the snow moon was taking form, beckoning me, mocking me with its crescent shape. Hell, it was day one of its phases and I was already too late to notice it.

I wouldn’t have brought Serena here if I did, but the deed was done. What was left now was to have her swim in the hot spring and leave the place. Stat.

To remedy my problem, I told her an hour of swimming was enough. Normally, I’d be immune to its first and second phases unlike the other weres in my kingdom, so I deemed myself safe. I could behave, keep my hands to myself.

For now at least.

As the Alpha King, my sense of hearing was already superb, but I felt it was more sensitive now as Serena, naked for sure, continued to swim, creating splashes and waves like a nymph, and it was damn teasing me. I was super aware of her and I was a stupid man to allow myself in this precarious situation.

I had acted on a whim and now I was paying for it big time.

I told her I wouldn’t peek and I was keeping it. I had no intention whatsoever other to let her try the hot spring and ergo, she’d be invigorated from today’s hard labor. It was the least I could do. She surpassed my expectations and I must admit, she impressed me.

As I waited for her to finish bathing, I looked up at the starry sky and took a deep, controlled breath. The steam around me heated my skin, but there was also another heat that was most potent slowly pushing itself to the surface. It was collecting in between my loins, fuck.

Again, I thought to myself I would be immune, and yes, I was, but with this woman—my untouched wife no less—with me in a place that was only roofed with stars, my control and patience snapped.

I had dreamed too much of her, dreamed too much of us making love…and as much as I told myself I abhorred a female’s body, with her, I could make an exception. When I submit, then I prefer to submit to this woman.

Deciding it was the right time, I turned to fully face her, and I was right, she was a beautiful apparition inside the pool: eyes bright with surprise; lips slightly parted and flush red for me to relish; hair wet, covering her ample breasts; slender shoulders and neck; a shapely waist; and wide hips hidden underwater.

My wolf and lycan sides howled inside. Yes, I was ready to claim a woman. I was ready to claim her.


I let out an unsteady breath just as my body stiffened. Having the king behind me—feeling his hard figure, feeling his sinful hands on my waist—lit a thousand fireworks inside my stomach.

“So, you want to join me here after all,” I said, managing to calm the shakiness of my voice.

He lowered his face more; his nose brushing just barely my shoulder. I heard a deep growl first before he stated, “I wasn’t planning to, but you’re a stubborn queen, trying to test me to no end. Now, face the consequences.”

I felt his mouth touch my skin at that moment. My eyelids squeezed shut and I released a soft cry. Then, his tongue followed, tracing a wet path along my shoulder. My breathing died out. An exhilarating thrill traveled down my back. It spread fast to my arms and legs and lit a fire inside me.

That same thrill reignited again when both his hands hiked up to my midsection, stopping just short of an inch away from my breasts. This time, the intoxicating sensation didn’t spread to my limbs. It collected in between my thighs, inside my core, consequently melting me.

“Hmm,” I voiced out and staggered forward. He caught me easily with a dark chuckle.

“You’re so sensitive, my queen.”

He tightened his grip and pressed me flush against his chest. “And so fragile too. I could easily break you.”

“I know you won’t hurt me,” I stated, my breathing picking up and turning hot. Something hard brushed past my butt. I was immediately educated about his growing need, the need that was similar to mine.

“No, but what I’m about to do is so much more than that, Serena.”

His mouth tasted me again, aiming for my neck. I threw my head back, crying out an unintelligible sound as he lapped, sucked, and tickled me.


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