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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 58

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 58 by desirenovel


We passed by one hallway and one flight of stairs before we reached the swimming pool of the house. It was connected to the main living area where Aero just pressed a button and a mechanism opened up the whole room to the poolside.

Under the safety of his arms, I made a mental note of how sterile and modern the interior was. The inner paint was of two tones: gray and white. Pops of sky blue and lime green were also visible in the form of decorative pieces. The ceiling was high, the furniture complemented each other, and the hardwood floor spanned across the entire square footage of the house.

The glass panels of his bedroom continued to the kitchen and living spaces. I figured this house must have been built with that in mind to fully take advantage of the view outside.

Once we arrived in the pool area, he placed me down and gave me a devilish smirk. He seemed to be up to something, but I couldn’t quite figure out what it was.

“The water awaits you, my queen,” he said.

I arched a brow at him and placed a hand on my waist. “Join me?” I asked; my eyes trying not to wander down his nether regions. Under the heat of the sun, I was pretty sure what would welcome me there.

He simply shook his head, acting still secretive. “Later. I have something to do first.”

“Hmm, right,” I surrendered and turned around to face the pool. This was when I admired how breathtaking the view was.

We were on top a cliff it seems and the only building present. Around us, there were trees and trees everywhere and around the trees was a vast color of blue: the ocean.

In this angle I could see the lighthouse and next to it was a modest one-floor house. Common sense told me the whole place was an island, a C-shape at that, and a private one surely since the owner…uhumm…the alpha king…had a prickly attitude towards strangers.

Slowly, I tested the waters first before I fully submerged my body. The temperature was just right; not too cold, not too hot, and I found it a blessing since I was butt naked and vulnerable to the elements.

The pool was rectangular in shape, enough for me to be able to swim from one point to the other, and so, I did. I swam and swam, but then, I suddenly noticed the water shake.

I resurfaced and scanned the whole area around me. Nothing was amiss, except for the king, grinning from ear to ear with a remote control in hand.

“What are you doing?” I narrowed my eyes at him, really suspecting him to be the cause of the vibration.

“Just something to give you a shock, my queen,” he answered, eyes filled with mischief.

That’s when I saw how the water drastically moved.

What was supposed to be stationary water, now turned to a river. I felt a mild current underneath my feet as the water started moving towards the edges of the pool. From where I was, I saw the ground on the sides open up to reveal an infinity pool. It was surprising, yes, but what really gave me a fright was how the floor opened up to reveal a hundred-foot drop to the sea below.

On instinct, I cried and swam back to the deck. Then, in my anger, I marched towards my dear husband who was infuriatingly still grinning and jabbed him at the ribs.

“You…bully!” I cried.

Naturally, he was quick to block it, and I was under his mercy in the next second; caged in by his arms; my breasts pressed up against his chest.

“Alright, I’m satisfied with your reaction,” he murmured near my mouth. Then, captured my lips for another intense, toe-curling kiss.

What delicious show must it have been if someone was watching us, but I was at ease knowing no one was around.

“This place is beautiful, Aero,” I remarked when we pulled back. He didn’t release my waist when I turned around and watched the greens, the turquoise, and all the colors in between that comprised Greece’s magnificent ocean.

“I told you so,” he replied with pride. One hand started kneading my breast while the other was slowly creeping down my folds.

I bit the inside of my cheek and savored his touch.

“I own this island,” he explained in a hushed tone that I deemed sexy. “I have a caretaker who takes care of the lighthouse and maintains the beach. His wife cleans the house and trims the garden.”

“Hm…hmmh,” I acknowledged, closing my eyes.

“In fact, they might be arriving here soon.”

“What?!” My lids shot open and all my senses jumped anew. “Aero—”


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