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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 59

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 59 by desirenovel


“I have a smaller boat too, but Mr. and Mrs. Bradley uses it,” Aero told me while we ate inside a taverna by the sea in the very charming village of Lesvos. Our table was near an arched window overlooking a windy but stunning beach.

We had just finished touring the area and me changing into a printed maxidress when our stomachs really demanded to be attended too. I chose the spot where to eat and he chose the food since I wasn’t acquainted with the menu yet. Fluently, he spoke Greek with the waiter and I just listened, amazed by how flexible he was both in Phanteon and on Earth.

“I believe they’re still here right now. They only visit my island in the afternoon.”

He looked up at me with that mischievous expression of his again.

“I lied, you know,” he finally said.

My lips curved upward just as my eyes narrowed at him. “Oh yes, I know,” I said, already feeling like the winner. “I know you lied about the caretaker and his wife coming to the house.”

He smirked at me, almost taking pride in my confession. “When did you figure it out?”

I forked a square of cheese and ate it first before answering: “When we left the house. They still hadn’t arrived. I was actually looking forward to meeting them. And then, when we were at the dock, I noticed that your yacht was the only sailboat visible.”

“Very observant, my queen. I’m impressed.”

“Hmf,” I rolled my eyes heavenward and relaxed on my chair. “And what pray tell was your motive for doing that?”

He drank his wine and then cracked another grin on me. “I enjoyed seeing you squirm.”

I bit my bottom lip and quickly, reached across the table to steal his prized wine.

“You really are a bully,” I drank it in one gulp, and then lifted it up in the air. “The king of all bullies!”

He laughed; the dark richness of his laughter made my insides flutter.

“Thank you. That’s a compliment, Serena.”

“Stupid ass king,” I murmured, sinking back into my chair and glared at him.

“Are you afraid of heights?” he asked again with still that infuriating smirk of his.

“No, but who wouldn’t be afraid to suddenly see a hundred-foot drop to the sea without warning!” I hastened to say, venting out my frustration in the lowest voice I could make. There were still customers inside the taverna after all.

He then stood up after giving me a hard stare. Reaching out his hand, he pulled me from my seat and gave me a really long, I-don’t-give-a-fuck-if-the-waiter-is-watching-us kind of kiss.

My knees weakened. Heck, all of my joints weakened.

“Day by day I learn new things about you,” he whispered against my forehead while his hands cupped my face.

I controlled the fluttering feeling inside my stomach. My God, this man had turned from a hard block of stone to a soft cotton ball. I can’t anymore.

“That’s what we agreed right?” I said, “To know more about me and how different I am to other women?”

“Yes,” he answered in a hushed tone; his lips still against my forehead. “Makes me feel all the more a dickhead for treating you badly.”

I sensed the regret in his voice and that little spark of anger, so in haste, I looked up and palmed his jaw.

“Hey, every day I’m starting to understand you too. Your sacrifices, your strengths, your kindness, your loneliness…”

Then, I traced his damnable lips.

“You’re opening up to me, Aero. That’s quite an achievement.”

“Are you sure you’re not a witch that has cast a spell on me?”

I chuckled.

“Why? Is the Alpha King of Phanteon susceptible to witch spells?”

He arched a brow.

“No, I’m immune, but maybe they discovered a new form of magic. Maybe they created a lo—”

He suddenly paused, cringed a little, then drew an inch backward away from me.

“Never mind. Forget what I said.”

I wasn’t sure what he was just about to say that time, but it certainly sounded like the first syllable for lo-ve. Love. But as tantalizing as the notion was, I didn’t want to entertain myself with it too when I was in deep shit myself–confused with my own feelings. Now wasn’t the time at all.


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