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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 61

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 61 by desirenovel


Alpha Trevor showed me the progress of the construction once I arrived in the market. What was once ashes and charred wood in the area now stood rows of houses and two single-storey buildings to serve as the town’s new market. He said that his pack would be able to finish it in just five days. I trusted him and he was able to deliver. Two days from now and all will be finished and that pleased me.

I thanked him and his pack for their hard work and gave a few advice too to enhance the aesthetic side of the building. They noted this, gladly agreeing to my idea.

By late afternoon, William and I left, and during the travel time, I reflected on my meeting with Farryl. I understood her side. If I was her, I’d hate the king with all my heart too for stereotyping and hating women, but on the other hand, as a guardian to his realm, she shouldn’t have been one-sided. Couldn’t she sense that we had consummated our marriage? Couldn’t she see that I had willingly given myself to him? Couldn’t she sense the changes in him?

She had a strong sense of justice, I salute her that, but it was also her downfall. She refused to see that a man such as Aero could change for the better. I figured there must be a reason why. Mayhap a situation in the past that led her to hate him too?

I probably should ask the king about it, although I doubt he’d be open to such a conversation with me. I was willing to try though.

′I guess my mission dug a deeper hole,′ I thought to myself, sighing. I have not only the kingdom but also their guardian to show that their king had a heart.

Farryl’s other words also bombarded my conscience. No, not about her offer to send me back to Earth, but about that unknown energy she mentioned.

What could it possibly be? If indeed it was protecting me the moment I arrived in this realm, then why?

I entered my chamber with more questions than answers and that proved to dim my mood. I planned to soak in the bathtub to distress myself, but then a knock sounded on my door.

“Excuse me, Your Highness,” a male voice followed.

Quickly turning around, I found that he was one of the servants of the castle, standing just outside the door that I realized I had absentmindedly forgot to close.

“Yes?” I muttered with a raised brow.

“Dinner is served, Your Highness. King Aero has sent me to fetch you.”

“Yes, I’ll just change my clothes and be there the soonest I’m done,” I informed him.

He lowered his head again, “I’ll deliver the message, Your Highness,” he said, then reached out for the knob and closed the door.

‘Yes, dinner,’ I nodded to myself. That would be the best place for me to ask him about Farryl and maybe if he now had an idea about my sudden appearance in this realm. He did mention once that he had people trying to solve it.

“How about you guys? Do you know why I’m here?” I asked randomly to the winged insects that decided to approach me. I didn’t expect them to answer, but at least, with their flapping colorful wings, I was calmed from my stress.

I arrived fifteen minutes later inside the dining room wearing a new gown. This time, it wasn’t a turtleneck dress that had long sleeves. It had a sweetheart neckline that showed a little bit of my cleavage; not really for the purpose of seducing him, but for simply a breather on my part. Turtlenecks tend to be constraining after all.

Additionally, I allowed my hair to fall freely on my shoulders. That way, it would cover almost all of the hickeys he had placed on me: both fresh and old ones.

“Come, take a seat, Serena,” he stated when he saw me enter. He was already in the head chair, sitting regally with a flute half-filled with wine near his right hand and a small black box on his left. His plate though was still empty despite the many dishes in front of him. Either he was waiting for my arrival or he didn’t have an appetite, or he had an appetite for another thing altogether…

Just like before, I claimed the seat on his right, not really caring that he didn’t pull the chair for me. I knew he wasn’t a gentleman from the start, so that bothered me less.

“Have you been sitting here for a while?” I asked, gazing at him just as he took another swig of his wine. He seemed comfortable, yet something was off about him. Totally different from the playful, teasing man I was with in Greece.

“Yes,” he stated, lowering his gaze on the table, “gave me time to think thoroughly of my next move.”

I arched a brow at the statement.

“Next move for what?” I asked.

He then stood up after taking the black box and neared me.

“Hold your hand up,” he ordered once he stood on my right. Although I was confused, I did what he asked.

“Close your eyes,” he said again. I gave him a frown first before obediently doing just as he said.

I felt something cold and hard on my right wrist thereafter. It felt like a chain or a bracelet of some kind. I couldn’t be sure.

“There,” he stated; the tone of his voice still staying smooth and languid.

“A bracelet?” I voiced out once I saw the jewelry.

For the first time since I arrived in the dining room, he finally flashed a grin.

“I thought the wolf bracelet you bought in Cirelles didn’t match with your status as queen.”

Huh. I inwardly laughed. I guess nothing escapes his notice.

“It was my first buy though in this realm, and I liked that bracelet. But thank you for this. I’ll treasure it for as long as I live,” I stated, examining the jewelry that awfully looked familiar but couldn’t quite pinpoint out where or when I saw it.

It was a single, thick loop that was bedazzled with gemstones and diamonds of different colors. There were three sapphire-looking stones, placed with precision around the bracelet. They were the most beautiful blue I had seen in a gem.

“William said you met with Farryl,” he began once he returned on his seat.

I flinched a bit when I heard her name, triggering her words in my head that I chose to forget for the time being.

But knowing him, he wasn’t going to let the topic slide, so I had no choice but to deal with it head-on.

I started forking a ham slice drenched with sauce and then, simply answered, “Yes, she was one of the volunteers in the south wing.”

“Her? Volunteering?” I easily picked up some hostility in his voice. “Must be just her ruse to get to you.”

“It’s obvious she doesn’t like to meet you, Aero, so I guess her actions were understandable,” I stated while eating my ham in bits.

“What did she say?” he asked.

I paused from eating, considered his question for a second, then rested my chin against my knuckles and gave him a wry grin.

“Is that an order, my King? For me to tell you what transpired between us?” I teased.


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