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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 62

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 62 by desirenovel


In what could be deemed as aggressive, I grabbed her head, fisting a good amount of her hair, then I pulled it down and drove my tongue inside her mouth. My other hand squeezed her breast, but it was unpleasantly still confined by her gown so I ripped the cloth with ease. Her breasts spilled free then.

Heavily turned on by the feel of the two smooth globes, I disengaged from our kissing and suckled on one taut peak. I drew out a loud and exquisite moan from her and I took this as an invitation to suckle her more.

“Aero…” she groaned under her breath, basking on the feel of my mouth sucking her nipple. I felt her hands grow impatient, touching my chest and feeling for the tensed muscles.

“Undress for me, please,” she requested.

Pausing, I straightened my spine and just as ordered, took off my clothes from the coat down to my undershirt, followed by my boots and pants. Lying under me, she raced to undress. Since it was a one-piece dress, she won by a sweet minute.

Biting her lip and covering her sex, she chuckled at me as I continued my chore.

“Serena, offer all of yourself to me,” I stated once I had fully freed myself from my blasted pants.

She spread her legs and placed her hands on each side, palm up. “I already am, Your Majesty.”

I lowered my body to align with her and kissed her again, taking as much of her taste as I could. Against my groin, a moistness caught my attention, so with a low growl, I untangled myself from her and traced kisses from her neck down to her belly.

Her sweet scent of desire filled my nostrils then, fuck, and it flooded my head with euphoria.

Without thought, I grabbed both of her legs, spreading her even more, then dinned on her pussy—Neanderthal style. A long erotic gasp from her hit my ears. It was an angelic melody; a magnificent orchestra.

I sucked and sucked, getting as many juices from her core as I could. I nibbled on her clit, tongued on each of her folds, then made contact with her core again, roughly might I add, and she squirmed, trying all her best to take the sensations in.

“Oh Aero!” she screamed, quickly grabbing the back of my head and pulling my hair up. She was almost at her limit. I could easily sense it.

After talking with Nevannir, all my thoughts revolved around this woman. The possibility that she could be fae sent my mind reeling; turned my head upside down and my emotions rolling inside. I couldn’t decide if this was good or bad news.

It made sense; her magically appearing in my kingdom—in my chamber no less and her, attracted to the bugs and vice versa.

But again, Nevannir and I couldn’t be certain and this all the more frustrated me. I wanted answers and I wanted it asap.

As I continued to devour her, a thought crossed my mind: Do I really want our wrist marks erased? Do I really want our marriage annulled?

Deep inside me, the answer was no. I didn’t want our wrist marks erased and I didn’t want our wedding vows retracted. I was willing to eat all my words in the past for her.

However, there was an even better question that jogged up to my brain: Do I really want her to return to Earth and leave me?

Filled with sudden anger I couldn’t describe, I abruptly stopped from gratifying her, knelt on the mattress, and holding her waist, I flipped her so that she would be positioned on all fours and her glistening ass poised in front of me.

We both grunted as my cock slid inside her; my hips hitting her ass made a wet, slapping sound that was wonderful in my ears. She broke out into a sharp cry and tossed her head up. She seemed to be unaware of the turmoil inside my head.

Driven by desire and anger combined, I penetrated her as deep as I could, trying to brand myself inside her…and with my mouth on her neck and with my hands on her breasts fondling her, I branded myself all over her.

I couldn’t control myself. Thinking about her leaving me either to return to Earth or wherever fucking realm it may be made me want to possess her all the more.

“You are my eshtha, Serena. My mate,” I whispered on her ear whilst rocking us together. I never dreamed of calling a woman this, much less admit that she was my mate. But, with Serena…gladly.

“You are mine and mine alone. Stay with me. Forget about our agreement or erasing our marks. Forget about your mission. I am happy now. With you. Only you.”

“Aero…” she whimpered, closing her eyes.

I couldn’t really gauge if she heard me clearly with all the slapping noises and the ecstasy fogging her head, but no bother, I could tell her the same words over and over again until she gives me an answer.

“I will. Yes, I will stay,” was her reply seconds later and my heart burst out in happiness. I took a deep breath and grinned at my triumph.

“Tell me, you’re mine.”

Charged with my newfound purpose in life, I drove my hips harder and deeper into her.

She cried out, tossing her head back again, but she shouted too, “I’m yours!”

“Tell me, you’ll stay!” I continued pumping, giving my all. Maybe I was taking out my frustration on her, but I was also pouring out my heart to her—something that I vowed never to do, but here I was completely insane for this woman.

“I’ll stay! For you, Aero. I’ll stay…ahhhh!”

And then we both came; a tidal wave of sensation filled us whole. I growled. My wolf and lycan sides howled. Serena also cried out her passion; her tone almost sounding like a real luna.

Be it a fae, or a vampire, a witch or a werewolf, or maybe just a human, I didn’t care. This woman, she’s mine and I was going to protect her with all my life.


Post bliss in bed, Aero’s arms wrapped around me whilst nuzzling the crook of my neck, maybe enjoying my scent or maybe just teasing me. I could feel his erection semi-hard, about to beg for another round, but he was kind enough to give me rest.

“The snow moon ball celebration will be held tomorrow in preparation for its peak phase,” he informed.

Closing my eyes, I hummed, telling him I was listening.

“Do you have any ideas for the celebration?” he continued. “Something that’s new in the eyes of our people?” He highlighted the word and I didn’t miss it.


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