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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 64

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 64 by desirenovel


Earlier this morning, I woke up finding Serena absent on my bed, and her scent faint around my room. Partly, I was disappointed. I would have loved to put her underneath me again, make her scream and cum and cum some more. However, I expected this would happen after I told her about the planned snow moon ball.

Once I got out of bed, bathed, and changed into new clothes, I was tempted to visit her inside the grand hall, but I chose to stop myself. I wanted to be surprised by whatever she had cooked up for the party. I wanted to see just how much she could create with unlimited magical resources, and partly, I wanted to test her subconscious thoughts, see if she had any buried memories of being in Ehnrelil if truly she was a being from that realm.

I felt bad honestly doing this, even more so when I gave her the bracelet, but I was getting desperate. I needed answers and the bracelet Nevannir gave would somehow show me some form of answer.

Informed by Chris that the queen took her late lunch inside her chamber, I quickly left my study and visited her. Again, disappointment welcomed me when she was with her maids, already preparing for the ball.

Patience, my conscience advised. You will have your time later at the party.

I left her room with my desire flaming like the bright noon sun. I was aware she sensed it and I was aware she was undergoing the same, so yes, I was indeed looking forward to tonight. Day by day, the snow moon’s effect had made me horny than I had ever been and I was thinking it had something to do with her presence and our bond. In the past snow moons, I had always sulked inside my room, pretty much satisfied with wanking myself dry. Now, with Serena around, it was an entirely different ball game.

Hours later, I stepped out of my chamber in my best royal ensemble: all black tux, leather gloves, and half a cape the color white that was positioned only at my left shoulder. It was secured using clips and a gold chain around my chest. My suit jacket boasted gold cufflinks, silver buttons, and embroidered gold ferns. Phanteon’s crest was stitched in nicely at the upper right corner of the jacket. I was well aware I looked one heck of a king, but I did this only to please my queen and nothing more. For the first time ever, dressing for a party gave me excitement and it was all because of her.

A male servant wearing a butler outfit like that on Earth then approached me, in his hand was a silver tray and inside this object was a folded stationary. I picked it up, opened the paper, and read its contents which informed me of the flow of the party.

An upward curve from the corner of my mouth appeared. Guess she was making this occasion really special by breaking all Phanteon customs and it would start with the traditional proclamation of the King and Queen’s entry inside the grand hall.

“Right,” I said to the servant. “Where is my mask?”

I thought he’d lead me to the secret room behind the stage but as we continued walking, I found that he was leading me to a doorway that wasn’t commonly used during parties.

Another servant stood sentry on the closed double door with a silver tray in hand. Inside it, there was a meticulously-designed full-face mask. I picked it up expecting this was what Serena had chosen for me and tried it on.

Black with a touch of blue-coated the mask’s outer layer. Shaped like a wolf’s head, it had rhinestones and luminous beads along the forehead and around the eyes. It fit my face pretty well; properly able to breathe and see all around me despite the limited eye holes.

The double doors then opened, but not one sound of a trumpet heralded my presence. I was incognito.

Inside, guests were also wearing their masks in different colors and designs. They were crowded on the dance floor and in the tables available in every corner of the hall. Music was playing to enliven the mood and there was already wine and starters offered to the guests.

I inspected the grand hall before me and gawked at the considerable change of the interior. Truly, Serena had thought the best for this party. All the other ones held in this grand hall in the past paled in comparison to this magical masquerade ball.

In the sea of unknown faces all around me, it was to be expected it would be hard to locate a specific person but hell no, not me. Oh, I could certainly scent my wife right across the room before my eyes landed on her. She was slowly approaching me, looking like the most beautiful apparition of all and I was instantly filled with pride.

She was just wearing half a mask, covering her eyes and forehead mostly. On the sides were diamonds and beads, feathers and ferns that framed her beauty. She looked every bit the queen of this kingdom despite not having a crown.

From a random piano and violin song, the music changed into the entrance song for a waltz. The guests noticed us then and parted to give us most of the dance space.

“My queen,” I voiced out under my mask once we were close and executed a bow.

“Your Majesty,” she reciprocated by doing a curtsy.

“May I have this first dance with you?”

I offered my hand to her and she took it; the connection easily ignited the craving within me.

“Of course, you may, Your Majesty,” she replied; her bright red lips quirking up. Her hazel eyes under the mask oozed with seduction and mirth.

“A masquerade ball eh?” I whispered as our bodies pressed up. The waltz music started and we began to sway to its rhythm.

“Yes, too extravagant for your taste?” she looked up at me in wonder.

I shook my head. “No, it doesn’t. Nothing is too extravagant when it comes to you, Serena, and also,” Dipping half of her body towards the floor in time with the music, I then muttered against her neck, “I like the idea of anonymity.”

She took a cleansing breath, by which time I also pulled her back up.

“That’s good to hear,” she said, smiling again.

The music crescendoed. In my peripheral vision, guests started joining us on the dance floor. Judging from their actions, they easily accepted the flow of the party and they looked to be enjoying it.

Every person under the mask I could easily name including of course the leaders of the other realms: Lord Jacobi who was accompanied by his apprentice, Lady Yllana, and two other witches of the Order, Prince Andrei and a new mistress it seems, Celestial God Andrius and another one of his kind that smelled like the ocean, King Lucien and his queen, and the King of Sattus who was as expected, alone.

Not a surprise, King Geraden of the fae realm wasn’t in attendance. Nevannir however was present because I personally invited him and I could sense him somewhere in the upper balcony watching us…or specifically watching my queen’s movements. The other guardians were also present and they had gathered in a table near the stage.

I didn’t sense Farryl’s presence in the grand hall and that was no big deal to me. Heck, having her around wouldn’t even make any difference.

“Congratulations, my queen. You surpassed my expectations,” I stated, returning my attention to Serena. We were still dancing, but this time surrounded by our guests.

She chuckled and inched her head closer to my shoulder.

“Your welcome, Your Majesty. It took me time to choose what theme to use, but I guess it worked out fine.”

“There hasn’t been a masquerade ball in this castle ever since,” I confessed.


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