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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 63

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 63 by desirenovel


Excited to start with the preparations, I decided to leave Aero’s chamber early in the morning. He was still sleeping heavily and didn’t notice me when I left. In my room, I took a bath and changed. Thereafter, I went to the castle kitchen to meet with the cook. Aside from planning the menu for the party, I also needed breakfast. My stomach was growling and I owe it all to what happened last night—me getting dined instead of me dinning.

In high spirits, I then continued to the grand hall. Aero’s Omega, Chris, a charming redhead, was already at the entrance personally supervising the set-up of the tables and chairs.

“Your Highness, a pleasant morning,” he greeted, bowing low in deference to me.

I smiled and stood near the huge doorway. “Good morning to you too, Chris. So, what’s the plan?” I asked, folding my arms over my chest and staring at the enormous size of the hall.

His tall frame dwarfed me just like all the other males of this kingdom, but I noticed how dumbstruck he looked as he glanced at me.

“Uh, I was just about to ask that from you, Your Highness,” he stated. “Let me know what you need and I will have the servants procure it.”

I bit the inside of my cheek and thought well and hard.

“Hm, don’t you always plan ahead for such a grand occasion?” I asked. True that I was ecstatic with Aero’s offer, but sure enough, I would say it was at the last minute. He gave me just overnight to plan the party. How was I going to pull it off without a hitch?

“Uh, yes, we do, Your Highness,” he answered, “but this occasion is especially special because of your presence. King Aero has given me permission to use magic for the set-up of the party.”

Magic? My ears perked up.

“Wow, you know how to use it?” I tossed him a look of admiration. I definitely didn’t know werewolves have that ability.

But Chris immediately waved his hands.

“Oh no, Your Highness,” he smiled awkwardly. “What I meant was, I am allowed to use mage spells to aid you in whatever you want for the party.”

I blinked a couple of times until I was able to process it right.

“Oh, I see, then that’s sweet,” I grinned. No wonder the king wasn’t worried about me supervising the party. With magic and from a mage at that, my imagination could soar high.

“Okay, then, before we start, tell me about your past snow moon balls. What was it like?”

He paused for a moment and scratched his head.

“Er, actually, the last snow moon ball we had was before the late king died. That was more or less a hundred years ago.”

“What?!” My eyes widened.

Then, I felt a presence behind me, so I turned around. It was the crown prince. He smiled at me first before turning to Chris and signaling him to leave.

“I’m sure from the little information Earth has on us, you should know by now werewolves live up to thousands of years, Serena,” Prince Elijah stated once we were alone.

“Prince Elijah, good morning,” I greeted, arching my brow and grinning at him.

“Hello, sister-in-law, I hadn’t seen you for a few days. How has it been?”

“Still holding on to my sanity, thank God,” I replied, still crossing my arms. “You busy?”

“I am, yes,” he answered, but then I saw him scrutinizing me without reservation.

“What?” I asked.

“Hmm, there’s something different about you now,” he declared. “I couldn’t pinpoint out what.”

At the back of my head, I was snickering. I knew exactly what he was talking about, but unfortunately, I wasn’t going to be the one to break the news to him. It had to be Aero.

“Hm, it’s the dress maybe?” was my alibi, pointing to my turtleneck gown. If I had worn a different gown then he’d surely see the many love marks on my neck that hasn’t healed. “Anyway, Chris said the last snow moon ball was more or less a hundred years ago?”

He nodded and fortunately, jumped to the topic.

“Yes, that was when father still lived. He and mother loved to hold the snow moon ball every year. It adds to the anticipation of the most-awaited phase of the moon where pretty much orgies and lots of babies happen.”

I gulped in response. Orgies and babies. Huh. Figures.

“When father died, you could say my brother stopped the snow moon ball. There hasn’t been any since then. I’m surprised to learn that he is holding one tonight. Maybe it has something to do with you? Did you charm him already?”

His brows then wiggled, teasing me.

I acted like I didn’t notice it, choosing to stare at the servants fixing the tables.

“Hey, were you listening to me?” He snapped his fingers near my face.

“I was,” I answered, laughing deep inside. “How old are you now?”

“Why are you asking that all of a sudden?” His brows furrowed.

“You said werewolves live for thousands of years and judging from the last snow moon ball in this castle, I’m thinking you and the king are about a hundred years old?”

Yeah, it’s hard to wrap my head around the fact that my husband was centuries older than me, but that’s the beauty of being in a different realm I guess.

“I’m 422,” he replied simply. Aero is 629. It’s basic math in our realm. On Earth, it’s 22 and 29. We just slash the third digit.”

I inwardly whistled.

“Wow, you guys ′are’ really old.”

“Time in all realms are different, sister-in-law,” he crossed his arms over his chest and smugly smiled at me. “It’s a bit confusing if you ask me so we prefer to stick on Earth time as our constant reference.”


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