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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 69

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 69 by desirenovel


“Brother!” Elijah’s voice boomed across the receiving room the moment I heard the main door swung open. I already knew he’d be visiting me this early morning after my show of possessiveness last night. He was either happy that I got hitched for real or angry that I didn’t tell him sooner. I was curious to know which reaction he’d show.

Finishing up the buttons of my coat, I stepped outside my bedroom and faced him.

“Hey, what I saw last night, that was real right?” he asked in a hurry, his face completely curious.

My mouth curved into a small smile.

“Keep your voice down, Serena is still asleep,” I replied.

Slowly, he stretched his head and looked past me to the double doors I had intentionally left open.

“Ha! I knew it!” he exclaimed in a joyful tone. “I knew you’re going to surrender.”

Then, he gave me a smirk, one that was really vexing.

“And you’ve come here to gloat,” I stated, sighing. “Couldn’t you wait for me in the throne room?”

“Erm, I apologize, but I can’t brother.” He followed me when I strode towards the main door. “I’m feeling over the moon since last night. I needed your confirmation, but seeing Serena sharing your bed—that made it official.”

As brothers, any changes of the heart could have been easily sensed by the other, but I hid mine so well. I was privy to my emotions and he understood that.

“So, now that you both consummated your marriage, what happens to the agreement then?” he asked, walking beside me along the hallway going to the throne room.

“It’s void,” was my swift answer.

“Okay, good, then that means she’ll stay?”

“Yes, indefinitely.”

“Why’s that?” his brows furrowed quickly. “You’re subtly telling me she could still return to Earth anytime. You’re supposed to answer that she’ll stay for good.”

I wanted to fill in the gap, but I also was curious to see if he’d notice.

“Wait, you haven’t marked her yet?” he asked, blocking suddenly my path.


I gave him a blank expression in response. Hell, I wanted to last night, so much so that my wolf and lycan sides were clawing to the surface, howling and getting aggressive by the minute Serena and I were together. Now that I had fully recognized my feelings for her, I realized my beasts had long ago wanted to mark her. I was just stupid enough to keep a blind eye to it.

“You should mark her!” Elijah shouted, knotting his brows further. “If you did, then all this discussion about returning to Earth will end!”

“Elijah, I prefer not to be hasty,” I stated, walking past him with still a blank expression on my face.

“You love her, don’t you? Don’t deny it. I could see it in the way you kissed her last night.”

I released a deep sigh.

“I wasn’t going to.”

“Had you told her you love her?” he continued, returning to my left.

“Not yet.”

I gritted my teeth. Not until she loves me too. I didn’t want to force her into loving me, a beast-man. She had to learn and discover it for herself. I was ready to restrain myself, ready to accept all the struggles that lay ahead just for this.

“Hmm, you really are just a baby in terms of starting a relationship,” Elijah mused whilst shaking his head.

I frowned at him.

“This is my first relationship, what else should you expect?”

“Yes, point taken, but a word of caution, you got yourself a good competition.”

I knew exactly who he was talking about and I couldn’t help but laugh blandly.

“It’s not a competition if Serena doesn’t like vampires, or Hale specifically,” I voiced out.

He nodded at my statement, but still sported this calculating expression on his face.

“I agree, but he could still steal her away from you and do those kinds of vampire shit towards her, willingly or not,” he remarked.

Somehow, this affected me. Thinking about Serena in Hale’s arms, beguiled and under his spell—it made my stomach lurch.

“I’ll die first before that happens,” I growled.

But in the midst of my heightened emotion, Elijah just remained cool and was even grinning at me.

“Aw, you really have changed, brother. I’m happy you finally see how much a woman is worth,” he said.

Dying for a woman? I scorned, spit, and mocked on that idea in the past. Never in my life had I thought I would be willing to do that for a woman.

Now, I guess, my views had changed and all because of Serena.


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