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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 70

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 70 by desirenovel


Hurt wasn’t an enough word to describe what I felt while looking at the betrayal before me. Pain of any physical kind couldn’t even match up to the anguish I felt deep inside.

What I felt was pain caused more than slicing me open with a blade, more than pouring acid on my insides, more than chopping me into pieces, more than bleeding me dry…

My bright world had completely turned dark and gloomy and for a brief moment, I thought I had died.

Actually, dying was preferable than witnessing this highest form of treachery. What was worse was I was present to witness it all. Inch by inch of their nakedness. Inch by inch of their lewd connection.

They were so engrossed that none of them appeared to notice me. Rhea kept on moaning loudly, enjoying every bit of Aero’s embedded cock, while the latter was in his own world of pleasure, grunting and groaning. The tautness of his muscles, the length of his shaft slipping in and out of my friend’s sex, his completely elated face–eyes closed and mouth formed into a ‘hiss’–it was the most painful picture I had ever seen.

At the back of my head, I wished and prayed that this was all just a dream. That I’d soon wake up from this nightmare, but no…

This was really real.

I felt a crushing weight on my chest. I couldn’t breathe properly. My fingers, they all turned cold and trembled wildly. I clasped my hands together in the hopes of controlling them and crossed my arms over my chest in an act of embracing myself.

Consoling myself…

My God…I thought.

Was that why they were so secretive earlier in the dining room? Her, asking to ′talk’ to him in private?

Moving further back, was that the reason why they were both absent this morning and afternoon?

Had they been fucking all this time? Had they been fooling me? Making me think that she was in love with Elijah and Aero with me?

Had Aero been that quick-hearted? Just because I was being honest with my feelings, unsure as it may be, that he’d speedily jump into another woman?

Just because he had finally tasted the pleasures of a pussy that he’d want to sample all females now?

Was this the real reason why he didn’t want to mark me?

Hot tears fell down my cheeks unhindered. It was like a river, with deep sadness as its driving force.

I didn’t know what to think anymore. I didn’t know what to say, but I knew the more I looked at them in their pleasurable world, the more I felt embarrassed.

Huh. Me, embarrassed.

I actually thought I was intruding on them than discovering an illicit affair.

My legs felt frozen. I couldn’t seem to take another step, but unable to watch them any further I willed my legs to move.

With a soft sob, I left the bedroom and walked straight to the main door, planning to hide in my room where no one would see me cry.

I was about to open the door, but then, a thought crossed my mind.

“No,” I muttered, knitting my brows.

I shouldn’t feel embarrassed. I shouldn’t be afraid to confront them. I was the one who was being wronged at. I was the victim!

But this wasn’t the very idea that encouraged me to go back. It was my intuition, my feeling that something was wrong.

“This doesn’t add up,” I murmured.

All I experienced with Aero these past few days: his warmth, his genuine care, his possessiveness, the loving way he looked at me, his reassuring words, even his hatred and arrogance, they were all real, and I thought, he would never do this to me.

He would never betray me.

Taking a deep breath, I turned back and marched into the bedroom with fire in my wet eyes.

“Alright!” I shouted just as the double doors swung open. “I know you’re not my husband, so let’s cut the bullshit acting. Reveal yourself!”

Aero and Rhea stilled. They both looked at me, but the former was the one who actually chuckled.

Chuckled first like how the real Aero would with his rich voice but it soon changed into a woman’s.

“Impressive. You amaze me, Your Highness,” he said, curving his lips into a wicked smile.

Then, as I continued to glare at him, his face and body morphed into someone I didn’t expect at all.

“Farryl…?” I murmured, thoroughly flabbergasted.

Then, Rhea, or who I thought was her disappeared like a ripple in the water. That’s when I realized everything I saw earlier was just an illusion. Farryl actually had the power to create such a vile image, but why?

“Why are you doing this?” I asked, gritting my teeth. My tears had ceased to flow. It all dried up due to the anger boiling inside me.

“I told you you’re making a big mistake,” she spat whilst standing up from the bed. “You’re a human. You’re fragile. I want to save you from the king!”

“Save me?” I scoffed and cringed. “By fooling me? Are you out of your mind?”

“No, I am not out of my mind, and yes, I had to fool you,” she tipped her chin up, feeling righteous.

“It’s a necessary solution for a holy intention, Your Highness. King Aero has a heart of ice. He’ll only crush you with it.”

I shook my head, disbelieving her stupidity.

“I thought you’re this realm’s guardian. You were supposed to be well-informed with all that’s happening here.”

“No, don’t mistake me for a god, Your Highness,” she answered. “I am not all-seeing. I only see what’s within my jurisdiction.”

“Then, you are not fully informed of what’s happening in this kingdom, especially with your king!” I cried out. I wanted to tell her he had changed, but with no evidence to back it up, it wouldn’t be as effective.

Aero was the only one who could change her mind. He should confront her, but I doubt he would be willing to defend himself. He was that stubborn.

“Yes, as a guardian, there are still some limitations, but I do care for my kingdom and I want nothing but the best for it!” Farryl cried, her eyes bright with broken fury. “That’s the reason why I accepted this guardianship position in the first place even though I was rightfully to become an Alpha!”

She waltzed past me and stood near the balcony door, looking up the dark sky, towards the snow moon no doubt.

“As to my king, huh,” she bitterly laughed, “his pitiful life is none of my business.”

I felt for her. I really did, but still, her beliefs were wrong. So wrong.

“True, you’re grudge against him is justifiable, but you shouldn’t have let it keep you blind all this time,” I said.

“No!” she immediately turned and glared at me. “You’re the one who is blind. Can’t you see? He is just using you!”

“He once did, yes,” I butted in, squaring my shoulders. “We both entered into a mutual agreement in the past that both benefited us. We took advantage of one another. It was never one-sided, Farryl. I was using him too.”

My words seemed to take her by surprise. She remained silent so I used this chance to fully defend my sorry-ass husband.

’He should repay me big time for this,′ I told myself.

“I was aware of how difficult he was the very moment I appeared underneath him in this chamber that day. He hadn’t failed to remind me every day he hated women, but still, I persevered because I saw his potential to change. I saw the goodness in his heart. I saw how his people cared for him and how desperate they were to see him happy. Did you stop and think why I still choose to stay despite all that?”

She gave me a clueless look.


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