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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 7

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 7 by desirenovel


The cheers of the people around me were deafening. I wanted to cover my ears but I knew I couldn’t. Standing tall on a raised platform near the king’s throne, I realized I had to comport myself well in front of them as I was now their queen.

Me a queen…

Their queen…

A queen.

The word rang in my head over and over again.

‘How did it come to this again?’ I asked myself.

With a muddled head, I recollected everything that went down when I woke up that specific morning two days ago…

“Sleep well?” the king asked, his sharp voice cutting through the beautiful chirping of the birds outside my window.

My drowsy state vanished in an instant. He was wearing a loose white shirt and partnered it with black trousers and black boots. His dark hair was messy in a sexy way. He probably just came from a bath with how fresh he looked.

God, he was handsome, I thought, but I quickly chastised myself. Don’t let your mind get sidetracked!

He was sitting on the massive cushioned chair of my bedroom with his legs in a figure four position, looking obviously bored.

Instant goosebumps erupted on my arms. I didn’t understand why he was here in my room and how he easily found me with all the number of rooms in the manor, but I knew his visit had a price.

A price like…my head. Maybe he had changed his mind and was now ready to execute me.

Pushing myself up from the bed and sensibly covering my body from the chest down with a bedsheet, I tossed him a frown and muttered, “I did. Why would you care?”

“Because I need you fit for today’s agenda,” he snapped.

The hairs on the back of my nape stood on end. “I hope it doesn’t concern me preparing for my grave.”

He scoffed. “Depends on how you see it.”

He looked at me as if he had a freeze gun. I was iced on the spot. This man here should join a socialization class. His conversation skills with me were just too one-sided.

“Why are you here, Your High—ness?” I asked when I realized he was holding back information. Well, either that or he was just too afraid to say it.

“I got a proposition for you. A business deal so to say.” He finally let out, making sure to stress the harmless word. His aura was still that of a proud man. Never had I saw it change even for the slightest bit. On Earth, business deals were treated with importance, and both parties should show that they respect each other. I see no respect in this king’s eyes, only arrogance.

“First your brother and now you?” I stated, looking at him with a raised brow.

He waved a hand in the hair and scrunched up his nose. “Forget about your deal with my brother. He doesn’t know what he’s doing.”

“Oh really?” I questioned, not really believing his claim. “He said he knew people who can help me return to my world.”

For a moment, there was slight recognition in his eyes and then he grinned.

“Hm, true, but I have a better deal.”

I furrowed my brows. Well, come to think of it, he was a king, and if I was to base it on Earth traditions, kings always had a better offer on their plate.

“Once upon a time, the realms were created to attain order and peace,” he started. I had to arch my brow again, not expecting I’d get a crash course on their history.

“It is an absolute rule that only can a person cross between realms if it is a valid reason like say royal meetings, official gatherings of the courts, commercial exports, imports, and life-threatening events. There is a bridge to each realm guarded by certain individuals. Elijah intends to reach out to one of the guardians to help you return, but this isn’t a convincing plan.”

“Where are you going with this?” I asked, wanting to skip the history lesson.

The muscle on his jaw visibly ticked.

“Hold your tongue, woman, and wait,” he grounded and then released a long, controlled sigh while sharply looking at me.

I was sure I had just tested his patience right there.

“The bridges are the main mechanism of travel between realms, but there’s an exception to this,” he continued. “There are gifted, powerful individuals who have the ability to hop between realms. Luckily for you, I’m one of them.”

Slowly, an idea formed in my head. Was he offering me his services?

“You want to return right? If you agree to my terms, I can get you back to your realm in just a flick of a finger. Safe and sound. Not a scratch on your skin.”

My mouth gaped. I was right. He was offering his services. But, it had conditions. I wonder what they are?

“Could you give me a moment then?” I stated, realizing this talk of ours would likely cover a good amount of time. “Obviously, I just woke up. I needed to freshen myself and answer the call of nature.”


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