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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 8

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 8 by desirenovel


I knew she would accept my offer. It was too good an opportunity to pass. I was so pleased with how well everything was going that a small smile broke from the corner of my lips when I left her chamber.

Oddly enough, my beast side was howling in delight. I didn’t understand why it was behaving that way but I assumed it was happy to be in control with my throne once again.

The council will have a hell of a time when they find out I’ll marry in two days. They’ll bombard me surely with talks of pups and heirs. I’ll indulge them for now, until the day I’ll kick that woman out of my castle door.

I had zero intention to spend the next two days with her. It was unnecessary even if she would become my wife and queen. I stayed inside the castle and did my usual work as king.

Elijah was helping me with the preparations, or to speak frankly, he did all the preparations. I care not a damn thing about the wedding ceremony; the flowers, the ceremony, the guests, or the wardrobe. I just wanted it finished stat and re-institute myself as the absolute ruler of Phanteon and not my late father’s decrees.

Although strictly telling him not to, Elijah was ecstatic enough to update me in the woman’s activities for the past two days. From the little attention I allotted him, he informed me that she was housed in the east wing of the castle.

Good. It was an enough distance away from my chamber, but had I been there during the transfer, I would have placed her in the south wing, farthest away from me as possible.

To continue, Elijah assigned her the most prominent professor in the kingdom to teach our ways and the history of our realm. He also brought the most skillful seamstress for the woman to be fitted for her wedding gown and daily wardrobe.

Of course, I cringed at the last two ideas. That woman didn’t need to know about our history or our traditions. She didn’t even need a wardrobe as I would be sending her back to her realm immediately after the wedding. A day after if possible.

But Elijah, with a grin too suspicious for my liking, didn’t bother on listening to my complaints. He continued on and reported me more of her activities which consisted of a visit in the kingdom’s most sought-after waterfalls in the north, a quick stroll in the bustling markets of Valencia and Cirelles, and posing as a special guest in the annual Ma’tisste, a welcome celebration of the first full moon of the year. It had songs and dances, and lots of drinks and food that would all culminate to a shifting of those present and a unified howling. I had Elijah attend that one on my behalf. I didn’t realize he’d use it to subtly introduce her to the public’s eye.

Damn it.

Elijah said she was a natural with her socialization skills. She was easy with speaking to the high ranking officials of my court in the celebration and was even seen helping out with servant duties in the kitchen. Thoughtfully, he didn’t let her witness the shifting and the howling but had I been there in the celebration, I would have let her watch it, see if she had a strong backbone on watching my subjects shift into their werewolf forms.

That would have been interesting to see.

All these talks about her made me want to gut something out. I hated how she was slowly stamping her mark on my land. Again, if I had been in those events, I could have minimized her presence as much as possible, but my brother reported these activities to me too late. I had a strong sense he did this deliberately.

When the morning of the wedding came, I woke up to find the atmosphere of the whole castle rather sickeningly jovial. Servants are it female or male were scurrying all over the place when I walked along the hallways to my throne. The female servants didn’t even prostrate when they saw me pass unlike before. They just lowered their heads and gave me an unobstructed path to my destination. I sensed their fear of me still present, but it was lesser than before and I think it had to do with the news of me getting married.

Huh. What nonsense.

Different species of white flowers were everywhere but it was most especially numerous inside my throne room. I cringed at the sight of it. Elijah really had overdone himself.

I walked to look at the castle courtyard from the throne balcony and saw flaglets of the kingdom’s crest hanging on a taut line tied from one corner of the castle roof to another. Never had I seen it done this way before. It was a refreshing look, but still, I would want to have these flaglets pulled once the wedding ends.

Using my lycan hypersight, I saw the amphitheater a few miles away from the castle adorned too. From what I remembered, weddings were usually held in that open space. I believe my father and my whore of a mother were once wedded there, and now, I would be standing for that same reason tonight with that woman.

A fucking woman.


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