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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 73

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 73 by desirenovel


When I woke up earlier this morning, I found Serena surrounded by the bugs. Two were hovering above her, another two were perched on her shoulders while three more rested on her feet.

This scene here wasn’t new to me anymore. I had been so accustomed to the bugs that their presence felt like a routine already in our lives. They didn’t stress me out like before nor did it evoke jealousy within me.

Serena was sleeping so calmly that I didn’t want to bother her. I just continued on staring at her whilst welcoming the blissful feeling growing inside me. This woman will be my life forever. No one will replace her and no one will take her away from me. She’d be the mother to my sons and daughters. She’d be this kingdom’s best queen.

However, I couldn’t keep myself from thinking about her real identity. This one problem had turned out to be the biggest hurdle we had to face.

I thought of the bracelet Nevannir gave me and the explanation he had with it.

“Let your queen wear this,” he said, using his powers to float the object onto my hand. “We use this in Ehnrelil to assess faes. The blue gems will glow brightly when the bearer lies. Once this is around her wrist, you can ask her questions. You’ll know if she lies with her identity or not.”

I did what he said and found, with utmost pleasure, that Serena was as clueless as I was with her identity. She never lied. The blue gems never brightened.

Finally being mated to her now, I didn’t think it was necessary for her to use that item anymore. Keeping secrets from each other was close to impossible unless of course, some freak tweaks of the Universe would allow that to happen.

However, my mind was already made up. Whatever future was in store for her as a human or not, I’d be there to support and protect her.

But damn, I didn’t think my words would be tested sooner than later.

While engrossed with my paper works in my study half an hour later, I sensed Serena’s shift of mood. From being calm to confused, then to a full-blown surprise. I didn’t think it warranted any suspicion from me until I felt a sudden explosion of energy coming from her.

I stood up from my seat and in a snap, transported myself to my chamber. Once there, I found Serena already unconscious on the ground, near my sectional sofa, her face pressed up against the cold floor and her body in a side-lying position. A few feet away from her was the stone I had treasured for hundreds of years.

Remembering the past, at first, I thought it was just a normal stone when I received it. Fast forward a few decades later, it started to glow green and I immediately sensed its power inside, just swirling and waiting to be released.

I checked the glass cabinet and the sliding door was left open wide. This set-up alone told me enough. Serena must have opened the cabinet to get the stone, but why?

Another thing that confused me was the massive energy I felt earlier. It had dissipated now. I was so sure it came from Serena, but with the stone lying next to her, I couldn’t be certain anymore.

Where did that swell of energy come from?

Was it from the stone? Or was it from Serena? Did the one trigger the other’s untapped powers? Or was it the other way around? Or was there another reason behind all this confusion?

Hell, I wanted so much to know, but of course, this was set aside. Serena’s health was my top priority.

When the healer, Margaret, arrived, I had already arranged Serena in my bed. She was still in her simple gown, but I took the liberty of taking the piece of paper hidden in her dress pocket. I hadn’t read its contents yet, but I was sure as hell whatever she wrote in the paper meant something to her.

Margaret used her ability to scan for any unusualities inside Serena’s body. I stood near the window with my arms crossed over my chest and waited for her to finish. It was a frustrating wait, especially when I was already itching for answers.

“I’m truly sorry, Your Majesty,” she looked at me after a deep sigh. “I can’t determine the cause of her state.”

I straightened from leaning and furrowed my brows. “What do you mean?” I asked.

“There’s nothing wrong with her organs or nerves, Your Majesty. I couldn’t find any instability within her system too. As to her life energy, it seems to be normal. I don’t know what caused her to lose consciousness earlier and I couldn’t retrace that surge of energy you mentioned she could have emitted earlier.”

I tried to keep my face devoid of any emotion, but my control just cracked. I frowned and clenched my teeth and hands.

Margaret must have seen this as I immediately sensed her uneasiness.

“Well, uhm, had you noticed her getting tired and sleepy?” she asked whilst standing up.

“No,” I answered.

She glanced down at Serena; her eyes specifically falling to the beautiful mark I had created spanning across her neck and shoulder.

“I see that you already consummated your marriage,” she pointed out. “Maybe she is carrying your child?”

I grumbled. Of all the things for her to bring up, it had to be that.

“I’ll be able to sense it then, but I haven’t,” I told her.

“Pregnancy for a luna is a mysterious process, Your Majesty,” she explained in a calm voice. “Each has her own uniqueness and sensitivity. I am a healer and a midwife yet I hadn’t sensed a growing life within her too,” she chuckled weakly, “well, at least not yet and I attribute it to her place of origin.”


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